Animagic GIF 
Animator (32-bit) 
Version: 1.04 
Date: March 20, 1998 File size: 502K Category: Animation 
License: Shareware
Animagic GIF Animator is a simple yet powerful GIF animation tool that produces output files that are 10 percent 
to 80 percent smaller than nonoptimized GIFs. The program can build animations from individual frames or from existing animated GIFs. Users can drag and drop files and easily control loops, frame rate, and transparent color. Users can also reduce the number of colors; copy, cut, and paste frames; add or delete comment frames; add effects; and more. All this can be done without any knowledge of the GIF file format--there's no need to know about graphic control blocks, extension blocks, and other low-level parameters. This latest release includes support for reading JPEG images, an Edit Palette function, and a "scrolling banner" effect.  

Minimum requirements: Windows 95/NT 

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