Welcome to my world! Since Sometime in early '96, I've been listening to music which the popular culture rejects in one hand and emulates in the other.

Garage, Surf, Ska, Swing, Lounge, Beat, New Wave, Emo Alternative, Brit Pop, Punk, & Hardcore, Progressive Punk... They're all just different names for the thing I love... music.

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Now Don't go and assume that music is all I'm interested in, though.  I'm also quite the avid reader and I play with graphic design, writing, and whatever else hits me at any given time.

If you're curious to learn a little more about me, just check out Hail to the King as a link.
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If you're interested in emailing me...

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Obviously, all materials contained herein graphical and otherwise are owned and copyrighted by Erivan (AKA Erik).  Nothing in this
page may be used without my writted consent, so please don't make me hunt you down and kill you like the dog you are!  Thanks!