This list is split into two, all the concerts performed by "Queen" and all the solo concerts.
The list to the best of my knowledge is complete and accurate, if you think there is a mistake, or if you have any additions please let me know.

The total number of concerts performed by "Queen" were 705.
As follows.

USA	   250	UK	 200   Germany	   56	Japan	51
Canada	    24	Australia 17   France	   14	Belgium	13
Holland	    13	Spain	   8   Switzerland  8	Austria	 7
Sth Africa   7	Sweden     7   Argentina    5	Brazil   4
Eire	     4  Mexico	   3   Venzuela     3   Denmark  2
Italy        2  Yugoslavia 2   Finland      1   Hungary  1
Luxembourg   1  New Zealand1   Norway	    1             

1970 - 1986              SOLO CONCERTS             QUEENFANS

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