"Music is an indirect force for change, because it provides an
anchor against human tragedy. In this sense, it works
towards a reconciled world. It can also be the direct
experience of change. At certain points during some shows,
the reconciled world is already here, at least in that
second, at that place. Operation Ivy was very lucky to have
experienced this. Those seconds reveal that the momentum that
drives a subculture is more important than any particular
band. The momentum is made of all the people who stay
interested, and keep their sense of urgency and hope."
-Jesse Michaels.
"We were Punx in a Punk band playing Punk Rock. We also
played Ska songs and because of it some Punks Hated us and
gave us shit. Fuck'em. Our Ska songs weren't The standard
Horn/Organ pretty sounding Ska. We were pissed and hard edged
about it. I love Ska and we were doing it our way, And OPIV
was about creating your own style. Fuck being safe. take the
crazy risk and ride it till you fall off"