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"Practice Random Acts of Kindness and
Senseless Beauty"
You're probably seen the bumper sticker on the back of some cars which reads,
"Practice random acts of kindness and senseless beauty". I've thought about this
statement and come to the conclusion that this statement implicitly embodies what is wrong
with trying to maintain a moral society without an underlying belief system to justify it.
In the Christian worldview, kindness is not random and beauty is never senseless. Random
kindness, implies that you don't have to try and be kind to everyone. Christ however, teaches us to be kind to all people, all the time. Furthermore, He does not make such demands
without giving a reason. We are all created in the image of God. Furthermore, God gave His
only begotten son because He loved us. If He sees such value in humanity, this is more
than enough reason for me to exercise the same love.
Beauty, in a world where there is no absolute truth, no god but ourselves, appears to
be senseless. What's the point? Beauty in a godless world is only beauty by chance. A
flower may only be beautiful in order to better attract bees. A person may only be
beautiful because such beauty helps attract members of the opposite sex to produce
offspring from a genetically superior stock. But in a world that a loving God has created,
beauty becomes His very expression of love. Appreciating such beauty means appreciating
the gift of a loving God.
So if you are a Christian, "Practice acts of kindness to everyone and beauty for
the Glory of God."