--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- PART 2 (The Numbers Game) - Bad Religion --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- By: Alex McLaughlin, Alex_McLaughlin@cs.pvt.k12.id.us. F EEE F EEE F EEE F EEE F EEE F EEE F EEE F EEE F EEE F EEE G D F EEE F EEE CCCC DDDD FEEE F EEE F EEE F EEE It's superficial progress, they call it liberation, F EEE F EEE CCCC DDDD FEEE F EEE F EEE F EEE With opiums of silicon, big brother scheme to rule the nation, CCCC DDDD F EEE F EEE We're one nation under God, we stand above the rest, DDDD AAAA EEEE BBBB With mighty high technology we're never second best, CCCC DDDD F EEE F EEE F EEE F EEE Our specialty is infiltration! CCCCCCC BBBBBBB Prepare yourselves for subjugation, victory through domination! F EEE F EEE F EEE F EEE F EEE F EEE G C One Two Three Four Five Six F EEE F EEE CCCC DDDD FEEE F EEE F EEE F EEE The Trepaditions throngs all fear the big eye in the sky F EEE F EEE CCCC DDDD The government observes the with their own electric eye F EEE F EEE CCCC DDDD FEEE F EEE F EEE F EEE Automatons, Illiterates, and indigents of every shape and size F EEE F EEE CCCC DDDD FEEE F EEE F EEE F EEE Don't stop, but aid this cruel crusade participate in their own demise. CCCC DDDD F EEE F EEE We're one nation under God, we stand above the rest DDDD AAAA EEEE BBBB With mighty high technology we stand above the rest CCCC BBBB F EEE F EEE F EEE F EEE Our specialty is infiltration C C C C C B B B B B B So pack your bags you third world nation, victory through domination. =====================================================================