Welcome to my Guestbook. Here are a few of the other people to have visited this page, and what they had to say about it. Please be sure that you take a moment to sign the book yourself, and if you already have, then you have my thanks. :)

Mitzi/ Missy - 05/29/00 05:15:49
My Email:westsgirl@hotmail.com
Favorite Color: blue
Favorite Song: "Higher" by Creed
Favorite Artist/group: all time....zztop
Favorite Movie: American Pie!!!! lol
Hi cuz! Nice site you got!!! lol Long time no see! Seeing how you now have facial hair! lol You now have to go and see my web community! laterz Missy

Johan Fröstberg - 08/05/99 23:20:59
My URL:http://w1.491.telia.com/~u49105060
My Email:johan.frostberg@telia.com
Favorite Artist/group: Cardigans
Favorite Movie: Con Air
Hi, nice homepage!! If you are searching for DVD, Comic just drop in to my homepage.I live in Sweden itis a very nice place on earth!!!

- 04/18/99 04:46:00

- 03/30/99 04:04:52

10/12/98 00:34:28
Name: Bad Bunny My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me

Just surfing. Thanks.

Weebaby - 09/25/98 00:57:26
My URL:http://geocities.datacellar.net/Heartland/Valley/9063
My Email:weebaby@geocities.com
Favorite Color: Pink
Favorite Song: The Chauffeur by Duran Duran
Favorite Artist/group: The Police/Sting
Favorite Movie: It's a Wonderful Life and many others
I clicked on your midi banner to come here and I took the Cantina Band and Peter Gunn AND Dot Warner saying how quiet it is! Thanks a lot!

Dawn - 05/02/98 15:25:13
My Email:you have it
Favorite Color: Green and Black
Favorite Song: Frozen
Favorite Artist/group: Mighty Mighty Bosstones
Favorite Movie: The Crow
Very nice Mark, I haven't checked out the midis yet, but I'll let you know...

Richard Hartwig - 04/27/98 18:38:10
My URL:http://nemonet.net
My Email:gadget25@nemonet.net
Favorite Color: Black
Favorite Song: walk this way
Favorite Artist/group: aerosmith
Favorite Movie: lethal weapon
Hey whats up mark not much here just tring to find you online to see what you are up to don't really know what I am doing but when has that stoped me before!

Patricia J. Wilterdink - 03/02/98 22:52:50
My Email:pwilter@hotmail.com
Favorite Color: Teal
Favorite Song: No Surrender
Favorite Artist/group: Bone, Thugs 'n' Harmony
Favorite Movie: Just Cause/Aladdin
COOL PAGE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Gretchen - 12/04/97 15:06:05
My URL:http://geocities.datacellar.net/Heartland/Hills/9879
My Email:firestg@server.wcresa.k12.mi.us
Favorite Color: plaid
Favorite Song: Anything written by my husband
Favorite Artist/group: Al Firestone
Favorite Movie: lots
I think you are a lot closer to my age than you want to admit judging from your taste in music! I enjoyed my visit. Keep up the good work.

sunaina - 10/15/97 04:03:56
My URL:travel.to/a.purer.world.
My Email:sunainap@hotmail.com
Favorite Color: brown.
Favorite Song: since i don't have u(gnr)
Favorite Artist/group: G N' R.
Favorite Movie: Topgun
Hi!!Am ur neighbour,if u click on the redirection address of the url above u'll know!!btw-i thought ur site was really well made-especially the stats and midis page.i got to ur page thru geocities/4627(earl-i think).all in all i think it's cool!! sunaina. ps-sign my gbook sometime if u do visit my site!!

Hera - 09/23/97 02:57:15
My Email:hera@sydney.net
Favorite Color: Blue
Favorite Song: truely, madley, deeply
Favorite Artist/group: Savage Garden
hey C3, the page is great, i can see you've done a lot of work on it, keep it up.

Spidey 'n' Suz - 09/21/97 05:54:04
My URL:http://geocities.datacellar.net/Rainforest/4627
Great Site!!! We can tell u have done alot of hard work on your site and its coming along great..... Keep up the good work =)

Melissa(Lilith) - 09/21/97 05:42:27
My Email:Arrow@interworldnet.net
Favorite Color: purple
Favorite Song: none
Favorite Artist/group: none
Favorite Movie: so many
nice page C3. Better then mine. :] thats only because I don't have one. hehehe keep up the good work!

MW Raptor Red - 09/18/97 07:43:56
My Email:none
Favorite Color: red and blue
Favorite Song: Nice to Meet you
Favorite Artist/group: Yanni
Favorite Movie: Jurassic Park
Cool page

bivoauc - 09/18/97 07:38:31
My URL:http://www.xmission.com/~llardo/index.html
My Email:???
Favorite Color: i dont have one
Favorite Song: to the sky
Favorite Artist/group: THE CURE
Favorite Movie: have no idea
i have none at the moment

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