Go to my Home Page about dEUS, with a Tribut to Jeff Buckley
Rui Macedo - 05/05/00 09:42:00 My Email:au_traquines@mail.pt | Comments: great page... put some lyrics of worst case scenário. bye |
gOmEz - 04/15/00 17:39:40 My URL:http://get.to/gomez My Email:gomez@dr.com | Comments: hi, do you have these songs: right as rain great american nude they should be on the album worst case scenario, but in belgium, the first edition of that cd was different, and those songs weren't on it. please, let me know something, even if you don't have them greetings gomez |
ed - 03/19/00 13:17:18 My Email:edlahyene@yahoo.fr | Comments: thank you a lot for the tribute to jeff, I love him so as I love dEUS or Zita Swoon. If there's smth new about shows of dEUS in france or in belgium (I am french and dutch so somewhere I am belgian too!) don't forget to send me a mail. |
naten vos - 02/07/00 21:03:09 My Email:hans.vos17@yucom.be | Comments: Gij zijt allemaal fantastisch!! Blijft dus maar zo lang moglijk muziek maken |
chrysa - 01/31/00 14:45:59 My Email:chrysat@hotmail.com | Comments: OH MY SWEET SISTER DEW WHAT HAVE I DONE?????????????????????? |
carla - 01/28/00 18:26:33 | Comments: os dEUS foram duas vezes á queima das fitas de coimbra. Falta o concerto da aula magna do ano passado. Os dEUS são a melhor banda do mundo. |
carla - 01/28/00 18:24:05 | Comments: os dEUS foram duas vezes á queima das fitas de coimbra. Falta o concerto da aula magna do ano passado. |
Mariec - 01/20/00 03:10:34 My Email:marieclaudecor@hotmail.com | Comments: I just liked to know, if dEUS will come to Canada one day?? If anybody can tell me that I will be happy. I know there's no dEUS on the radio, but why they dont try to be here, in america!!! Thanks in advance |
33333333 - 01/19/00 15:30:38 My Email:3333 | Comments: 3333 |
ana mirceska - 01/02/00 09:36:08 My Email:loreta@freemail.org.mk | Comments: I'm very please to know that someone is so dedicate fan of dEUS.And i'm so.Thank you for givin me the opportunity to see the most beatyfull site of my favorite band. Ana Mirceska loreta@freemail.org.mk |
Cameron, from New Zealand - 12/21/99 07:13:12 My Email:Gaijin139@hotmail.com | Comments: I first heard dEUS in '94 when I was an exchange student in Belgium for a year, one listen to the song "Via" on the radio and I was hooked!!!! Ever since I've been waaaaay into the band, but I'm finding it hard to keep up with them from all the way over h re in New Zealand!!!!! But they're one of the best bands I've ever heard, and I was lucky enough to see them in concert at Werchter in '95, just before I returned home to NZ. It's an experience I'll never forget. |
Carlos Filipe - 12/09/99 16:40:19 My Email:MiniCf@hotmail.com | Comments: FANTASTIC AND SPECTACULAR !!!!!!!! |
Simon Carron - 11/17/99 12:36:20 My Email:simon.carron@urbanet.ch | Comments: Salut, je ne sais pas si tu comprends le français mais on va essayer et on verra ce que ca donne! Je m'appelle Simon et je suis un fan de dEUS et je t'écrit pour cela… J'ai vu ton site, et j'aimerais savoir si par hasard tu n'aurais pas des casettes vidéos des divers concerts ou des interviews qu'ils ont donné… A ce qu'il paraît il aurait filmé leur dernier concert en Belgique… Et je ne sais pas si il y a aussi une cassette du concert (je ne rappelle plus comment il s'appelait ce festival) Sun Beach (en Belgique). Alors si tu en as une ou peu être plusieurs renvoye moi un mail! ce serait cool!! Je pourrais les copier et te les rendre… réponds moi vite ce serait co |
martafiuza - 10/29/99 16:26:52 My Email:martafiuza@hotmail.com | Comments: sem dúvida que soam como a morte as musicas dos dEUS, serenas e distantes; contudo penetrantes persistentes mas desejadas |
jannah - 09/11/99 15:25:10 My Email:jannah@dolfijn.nl | Comments: love dEUS great site |
Vilma - 09/07/99 02:20:30 My Email:Bulma@esoterica.pt | Comments: "I think it goes to show that the more you get,the more you got, the more you want some more" CUrti, mas sabe sempre a pouco! |
Vilma - 09/07/99 02:19:34 My Email:Bulma@esoterica.pt | Comments: "I think it goes to show that the more you get,the more you got, the more you want some more" CUrti, mas sabe sempre a pouco! |
invisigoth - 06/24/99 18:17:34 | Comments: some die just to live |
Marco Palhaço - 04/27/99 22:17:42 My Email:ainda não | Comments: Estás bom animal? Já tenho internet!Quando tiver email deixo-to aqui! Este fim de semana vou ficar aqui no Porto a trabalhar, não vou à Figueira. Manda cumprimentos ao porco, e já agora estica-mos valentemente como só tu sabes! TCHAU, CHUPA-MOS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! |
Marco Palhaço - 04/27/99 22:11:40 My Email:ainda não | Comments: |
Micas - 02/20/99 17:36:16 My URL:http://geocities.datacellar.net/soho/workshop/9793 My Email:micas@toosexyforyou.com | Comments: Curtido, mas tenho pena de não fazeres um review do concerto que eles deram no Hard Club em Gaia, ao qual infelizmente não pude ir. Mas agora posso "vingar-me" no que eles vão dar no Coliseu, a 6 de Junho. Por falar nisto, espalha a notícia pondo no teu site! Beijinhos |
- 02/01/99 15:30:59 | Comments: |
Name: Bad Bunny | My URL: Visit Me |
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Just surfing. Thanks.
Babalu - 10/12/97 15:17:51 My URL:http://www.www/www My Email:bathtub@mama.infinite.god | Comments: Weeee |
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