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Okay, some of you might be wondering what we mean by "3 Worlds". No, it does not mean that each Hanson gets their own world. We've noticed that Hanson has a lot of different types of fans. The "3 Worlds" that we mean are:
1. Hanson haters
2. Obsessed fans
3. True Hanson fans
Before you start e-mailing us and asking us what we mean by "true fans", read on and you'll get the answer!
Alright, you should know yourself what kind of a fan you are. In our OPINIONS, a "true fan" means that you love them for their music and not for their looks. People who say, "I love Hanson because they're hot!" is not what we call a true fan, sorry if we offended you in any way. This is just what WE think. It doesn't mean that it's true.

Anyways, we made this page for the obsessed (and there isn't anything wrong with the obsessed), the haters, as well as the the people that just can't get enough of Hanson's music. We'll be a little slow on the hater's part, though, since neither of us are haters. Also, we may not even make a page with hate stuff in it, but we'll definately put up links and stuff to hate pages.

This is an opinions page. We don't care what kind of a fan (or hater) you are, you'll be welcome here. If you want to send us hate mail or something, then fine, send it to us. But don't say that we have no right saying what we did 'cause first of all, this is our page, and second, we have as much a right as you do in voicing our opinions. No one is right or wrong in opinion wise. Alright, that's enough of us talking here. Scroll on down and click on the image to enter our Worlds!!!!
***Note that the page you're about to enter is still under MAJOR construction.

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