==> BandMember.java <== import java.util.Vector;// If we want to use a Vector as the implementation of // collection fo Bands. /** * @author Colin Rego, Sean Carroll, Arthur Mabee * * Class representing a Band Member. A Band Memeber is defined as a Person * that knows how to play at least one instrument and is trained in at least * one genre of music. */ public class BandMember extends Person { /* Member Data go here */ String[] instruments; //Collection of instruments which this BandMember //knows how to play. //Consider creating an instrument class instead //of using a String Object. String[] genres; //Collection of genres which this BandMember is trained. //Consider creating a Genre class instead of using a //String object. Drug[] drugsOfChoice; //Collection of drugs that this BandMember takes protected static int howHigh = 0; //Represents how high the BandMember is //Initialized to 0. /* Constructor */ /** * Constructs a BandMember object. * * @param aName - String representation of the BandMember's name. * Input as "Firstname Lastname" * @param aGender - String representing the gender of the BandMember * Input as "M" for Males and "F" for Females. * @param someInstruments - Collection of instruments * @param someGenres - Collection of Genres * @param someDrigs - Collection of Drugs */ public BandMember(String aName, String aGender, String[] someInstruments, String[] someGenres, Drug[] someDrugs, int isHowHigh) { this.name = aName; this.gender = aGender; this.instruments = someInstruments; this.genres = someGenres; this.drugsOfChoice = someDrugs; } /* Methods go here */ } ==> Groupie.java <== import java.util.Vector;// If we want to use a Vector as the implementation of // collection fo Bands. /** * @author Colin Rego, Sean Carrol, Arthur Mabee * @version 7-9-03 * * Class representing a Groupie. A groupie is defined as a person who is * a fan of a Band(s) */ public class Groupie extends Person { /* Member Data go here */ Band[] bandList; //Collection of bands which this groupie is a fan of. /* Constructor */ /** * Constructs a Groupie object. */ public Groupie(String aName, String aGender, Band[] aBandList) { this.name = aName; this.gender = aGender; this.bandList = aBandList; //Not sure if this is the best way //to do this. Possibly should create //an empty collection as part of the //constructor. } /* Methods go here */ /** * Adds a Band to the collection of bands that this * Groupie is a fan of, increasing the size of the * collection by 1. * * @param aBand - the Band to be added to this Groupie's * collection of bands that he/she is a fan of. */ public void addBand(Band aBand) {} } ==> Person.java <== /** * @author Colin Rego, Sean Carroll, Arthur Mabee * @version 7-9-03 * * Abstract class representing a person. */ public abstract class Person { /* Member Data go here */ String name; //Name, written as "Firstname Lastname" String gender; //Gender, written as "M" for males, and "F" for females /* Methods go here */ }