to my Homepage!

I am the proud cat of Larry and Bea and this is my homepage!

Hi this is me buttisheadus and this is my homepage I reside in a small town appx 35-40 miles east of San Francisco my owners are Larry and Beatriz

Hello everyone! Again the fall has approached it's amazing how fast time flew..
nothing new to report at our end.. all work work work.. phooey!
Went down in October to Los Angeles for Yvette and Albert's wedding.. congrats you two
another big bank merger is upon us and the Holidays are fast approaching! did a quick trip to Las Vegas in August and it was a blast!!

|| The Beach! Bea's little page of stuffeses||__ ||Links and friends pages||

Click for Mountain View, California Forecast


Album Title
Song Title

***Footnotes*** I will hopefully get to update this page in November see you then.. and thanks for your patience

lyric of the month.."but baby when I call you.. you're never there"

© 1997

ICQ (2609556)for Bea is. . ___ICQ (6328224)for Larry is. .

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