Tell me about yourself....
This is where I'm giving you a chance to
answer some questions I have listed.
Its up to you whether you want to answer them or not.
I hope you will! This will send your info
to my e-mail. That way I can have a chance
to really get to now about you! There is also
a prayer request slot at the bottom, and I will
be sure to keep you in prayer. *smile*

(if you'd rather not fill this out,
just scroll down to the bottom.
fill in as little or as many as you want.)

What is your name?



Favorite Color(s):


Eye Color:

Hair Color:


Personality Type:


Siblings & their ages:

Close friends:


Things you like to do?

Best advice ever given:

Words or phrases you over use:

A sport which you excel in:

Dream car:

Fave thing to do in the summer:

Fave thing to do in the fall:

Fave thing to do in the winter:

Little-known talent you possess:

Special awards you've won:

What do you want to be?

Future goals:

Fave music:

Fave music artists:

Fave food:

Least fave food:

Funniest and/or most hyper person you know:

Fave vacationing spot:

Fave sport:

Favorite movie:

Fave TV Show:

Whats better, radio or tv?

Favorite day?

Favorite month?


Fave holiday:

Fave toothpaste:

Fave thing to wear:

Who do you love?

Who or what personality do you hate?

A song that describes you:

Would you rather be deaf or blind?

Do you consider yourself a good listener?

Would you rather be short or tall?

Would you rather be overly happy and poor, or overly wealthy and unhappy?

Do you like to dance?

Are you too shy to ask someone out?

What is your dream honeymoon place?

Do you think girls or guys have it easier?

If you had a round-trip time machine, where would you go?

If you could be invisible for one day, what would you do?

Do you like Adidas, Nike, Fila or Airwalks (or other) best?

If you could change your name, what would it be?

Have you ever thought you were going to die?

Whats the hardest thing about growing up?

What does a "Christian" mean to you?

What's the most exciting thing you have done on a dare?

Have you ever gone skinny dipping?

Would you eat a bowl of live crickets for $40,000?

If this Saturday you could do ANYTHING you wanted, what would you do?

What's the funniest word you know?

Stupidest thing you've ever done:

What's your worst fear?

Whats the best trick you ever played on someone?

Do you sleep with a stuffed animal?

Do you pray?

If you were stranded on a deserted island with one single person, who would you want to be with you?

Prayer requests:


The grand finale', click on!