The Greatest Showmen in Rock History

The Greatest Musical Talent in Rock History

Check Out the Rush home page, and the Atlantic Records home page for Rush by clicking on the Rush Star, and the picture from "Test for Echo"

Rush Homepage Rush-Atlantic Records Page

Also Check THIS SITE

Just so you know, Vishnu Music in Gloversville, NY (518-773-2285)is owned and operated by my father-in-law, Vince Ottalagano. He has been in the music business since the mid 1960's, and has owned and operated VISHNU MUSIC since the late 1986 - early 1987

You may not like Kiss, and you may not like Rush, but you must agree, that each has their own style, whether it be the show that they put on, or the music that they play. In my opinion, Kiss is one of the VERY BEST bands to see live in concert. They may not be recognized as the best musicians in the worlld (they are VERY VERY good), but they can put on a show that will leave you screaming for more, whether you like the music or not.

Rush is also one of the VERY BEST bands to see live. But Rush is more for the listening enjoyment (amazement is probably a better word), to hear Geddy, Alex, and Neil ACTUALLY PLAY their music live. If you are not a musician, this might be hard to understand, but ask a bass player, or a drummer, or a guitarist to play the songs "YYZ," "LaVilla Strangiato," "Driven," or "Freewill." As I am a bass player myself, let me assure you that playing Rush is no easy task.

To see the three most important women in my life, my beautiful, wonderful, charming, inteligent,caring, sensitive, patient wife Nicole (I'm not making it too obvious that she is standing over my shoulder am I???)and my little angels, Stephanie, and Kayla click


If you know

William Anthony Greenwood, from Danville, CA

Rodney Buckwalter,from Corpus Christy, TX

Charles Drew Thompson, from TN,

Mathew Reagan Chadwick from IL

...PLEASE Give them my email address

and let me know that you gave them the info.....Thanks!!

Click here for a link to my BREMERTON,WA Page

UPDATE: Buck found me!!! 1 Down, 3 to go....

To read my "musical" history, as well as a lot of information that is probably way too personal to really put here, clickHERE

Ok, I'm a BIG-TIME slacker...I havent updated this page in a LONG WHILE.....

For a 3, sometimes 4 piece band, I think we sounded really good, but I am a little biased. In the first group, called "The Electra Glides"we were a 50's-60's-70's cover band, doing stuff by CCR, Linda Rondstatt, BTO, etc,etc,etc....Colleen, the singer, got pregnant, and married, and moved away. I still see her every once in a while, as my wife, Nicole, calls her every once in a while. Anyway, from that point, we went through 2 guitarists, one wanted to do more of a southern rock-type thing, and the other, had some chemical problems. So, as I said, for a while, we were a 3 piece

Anyway, as a 3 piece, we were doing some Stone Temple Pilots, Candlebox, Alice in Chains, Pearl Jam, Aerosmith, and in some cases, we sounded better as a 3 piece, than a 4 piece. But bookings were slow, and we got lazy, and Gary, the drummer, ended up going permanently to a country band that he had been side-lining with. I ended up going to school for a few years, when Gary gave me a call and asked me to play with him and a couple of guys in a band (to be called Stage Crew). I was itching to play again, so I said yes(the downside was that we ended up doing a lot of country(yughkkkkk!!!!)music. This lasted a while, but there were problems with the 2 guitarist, so we fired one, and got Skeeter back in the band. We changed the name of the band back to Cold Fire, and started getting back to playng real rock 'n roll. The guitarist (John)left over from Stage Crew believed, and I do Quote,

"Distortion is only used by guitar players to cover thier mistakes."

So Cold Fire didn't last long in this incarnation. Gary and I had talked about going 3-piece again, when he recieved a call from Gran Slam, and they needed a drummer, and possibly a bassist. Gary and I talked it over, and decided it was in our best interests to, once again, break up Cold Fire - this time for the last time. Luckily, one of the guitarists in this new, yet unnamed group ended up bailing, so, of course, we called Skeeter. We spent several months getting ready, preparing, and learning and in some cases, re-learning songs and certain "grooves" in certain songs. We played several dates, and we were booked like never before (thanks to the 6th member of the band, Mark), but Gary has decided to call it quits, as his job is now requiring him to work on Sundays. Luckily, Warron May, a local hero of mine from the early / mid-80's (he was the drummer of the band "Rael") was friends with Jeff, the keyboardist, was available to play, and was willing to step in and take his place as our drummer...

October 2001

But then again...all good things must come to an end. Too many egos, too many head games...too much "self-indulgence" in alcohol and other types of chemicals, and too much of the "I know how to run MY band" attitude led to the ultimate demise of Phaze-5.

Phaze-5 lasted just over 2 1/2 years...and as of right now - 11/1/01 - I have no desire to all. I am learning that music may not be nearly as important to me as I once thought. I do, after all, have two beautiful babies (ok, they're not really babies anymore), and a loving wife that I am relearning how wonderful she really is. I have learned that Friday and Saturday night dont have to be spent entertaining be a "good night" - (nudge, nudge, know what I mean, say no more!).

Be sure to check out the NEW band......7 Dirty Words

This was a great name for a great band.....

but unfortunately, this name is, in fact


(too bad...I love the banner!!)

Links to some other cool sites on the Web

Kiss Assylum Web Page
Ace Frehley's Home page
KissOtaku homepage

Please Feel free to email me, if you want....I'd like to hear any comments or suggestions...

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