I could go thru all the obligatory stats, but do you really want that?
I guess it wouldn't hurt to give out a leeetle info......

I'm 36,

I live in Charlotte,North Carolina with my beautiful and talented wife Lisa.

I was born in a small coastal town called Neptune,in Northern New Jersey.This is a picture of me and my Dad when we lived in Little Silver,New Jersey,around 1966.

My favorite colour at present is forest green.

I love:
To put alot of nutmeg in my latte's.
Anything made with raspberries...or any other berries for that matter!

The feeling I get when I can make my Wife laugh.(Not to mention the feeling I get when she hugs me in bed,or when I share a bowl of ice cream with her,or just being with her in general). My wonderful Wife Lisa,is a Nurse at a local hospital.She has a whole lot of great qualities, one of them being she puts up with my antics all the time, and has yet to leave me, despite all my neurotic tweaks and totally bizarre tastes.I swear honey, I'll never try to get you to eat Sushi,German potato salad,squid, or listen to Polka!

The sound of windchimes blowing on rainy sunday mornings.

My nephew Julian when he smiles and laughs at me.

Taking him to the Park so he can play on the jungle gym.

Walking in the silence of a snowy night.
Watching the birds eat at my feeders
Swimming after midnight
Sitting in bed on a weekend reading
Getting a job absolutely perfect at work

I love going out for the night with my friends

(L to R)Simon,Evan Tim and Steve at Mythos for Big Bad VooDoo Daddy

I run a website for

Friends Of Elmwood.

Here is my
Yahoo profile

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