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Lots o Links

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Cure Sites:

The Cure - Official Site Redesigned! It's still pretty mediocre, but much better than it was!
Roger O'Donnell

Neat that he has his own site. Note: there are several QuickTime movies on the homepage so dialup users beware.

Note to Roger: marginwidth=0 and marginheight=0 topmargin=0 in the <body> will make the image in the upper-right go to the edge of the browser

A Chain of Flowers A classic Cure site, this site has been around since 1996 (longer than mine!). He still faithfully updates it all the time. Excellent resource
Curiosity A very good site - well designed and lots of good stuff
Plainsong An *awesome* site, top-notch design and lots of good content. Features a searchable database-driven discography.
Site Seeing: My own site - check out my blog, web design, graphic design, fonts, artwork, photography, recipes and more crap than you can shake a stick at An extraordinarily talented design and then some. Updates his Blog regularly. I visit his site whenever I need inspiration and so should you!
Spiff A project that Jason did, it's a wonderful journey. Each page contains something fresh, and you never get through the site the same way twice.
Alexia Benrezkellah My bestest girlie friend Alexia, she's an awesome writer and has lots of thoughtful things to say on her blog
Martha Stewart My own personal hero. Why? Because she single-handedly built a billion-dollar empire and she's not afraid to be a bitch and do things her way. One day I will have that kind of conviction. You go Girl!|unity Ah the ever talented Bjork...Need I say more? Also, one of my wallpapers was a calendar of the month, October 2002.
Nothing Records Currently obsessed with Nine Inch Nails, but that site is down so this will have to do.