FULL NAME: Emma Lee Bunton

DATE OF BIRTH: 21st January 1978

STAR SIGN: Aquarius

PLACE OF BIRTH: Finchley, North London

HEIGHT: 5 ft 2 ins

EYES: Baby blue

DISTINGUISHING MARKS: No tattoos or body piercings, but she's pretty unmistakable

WHAT DOES IT TAKE TO MAKE A SPICE GIRL? Emma says it's being strong and determined and having fun

IN A PREVIOUS LIFE: She was a dancer, singer, actress (appeared in The Bill once), before joining the Spice Gilrs straight from school

FIRST CONTACT WITH THE OTHER SPICES: Victoria, who was in a musical with Emma when both of them were young

STATED AMBITION: Wants everyone to enjoy the Spice Girls music

MUSICAL STATES: Garage, house

SPICY SURPRISE: Told Smash Hits she wears leather underwear!

EMMA'S PERFECT MAN SHOULD BE: Naughty, a bit cheeky, has to make her laugh. A good body, weel cut. But ginger-haired lads are a no-no

DECLARED HUNK IS: Johnny Depp, George Clooney and me!

WHAT THE OTHER SPICES SAY ABOUT HER: She doesn't look naughty but she is, she's

always there for cuddles, and she adds a human touch to everything they do

WHAT HER MUM THINKS ABOUT THE SPICE GIRLS: Emma says initially she thought it was

a religious cult

ON STREAKING DOWN A CORRIDOR: One of the wildest things Emma recalls ever doing.

The girls were feeling like they, well, just wanted to go wild. Off came everything, and they ran,

screaming, down the corridor

ON A CELEBRITY LIFESTYLE: Emma says they don't go to many parties on the showbiz circuit,

because it's not really their kind of scene

ON GOING SOLO: The simple answer is that Emma wouldn't. She's got four of her closest pals

for company, that's why she loves being in the band. Sharing time and having a laugh with her best


ON BOYFRIENDS: Because Emma's mum always told her that nobody was good enough for her,

she learnt how to be strong and stand up for her rights.

ON BOY BANDS: Emma reckons it's tough for some of the boy bands that have been, let's face it,

manufactured. If they don't get to know what's going on or why decisions are being made, it's as

hard as the actual work.

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