
If you have any fundraisers/raffles that you are running for any reason, or you know of any around town (I need address/phone #(optional)/name of company/your name/email addresses), please Email me. I will need all the information you have about it. (Date ending/what it's for/etc.)

This fundraiser can be for your own good, or for the good of others! :)

Note: *All these fundraisers/raffles are checked by me, and are for real. I will not allow any false advertisement on this page. It's rude, cruel, and fundraisers are meant to help others!*


If you have any raffles, for your own good or the good of others, please let me know ;)!

From: Crydun in Adrian, MI (Lenawee County).

My two sisters raise funds for RELAY FOR LIFE. All money goes to cancer research and help to cancer patients. They are working on a basket of beanies (29 bears)to represent our mothers age when she died of cancer and 7 pillow palls to represent the 7 children left behind.

These bears would go in a raffle drawing, all proceeds would go to the Cancer society.

If you are interested in contributing to this event, please contact myself or the above address for sending information and any additional questions or concerns you may have.


1.) If you are willing to donote any beanie babies to me, I will make a contest or raffle for them. All raffle money will be given to the cause of your choice, and you get to choose if it is a contest or raffle. You can check on here or the contest area, for I will put up your raffle or contest up there for everyone to join in with. Hopefully your contributions can keep this page able to give away better beanies then I would be able to myself.

2.) (A continuation of 1). This is asking for any money you would be willing to donote. Email me and I will give you my address if you want to contribute to the purchasing of decent beanies. You will be able to tell me what you prefer (contest or raffle), so when I buy the beanie to be given away, the one (contest or raffle) with the highest vote will be what the beanie will go as. Please help out so I can give away beanies to children who want them and don't have parents (or even if they do) that can afford them!

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