Smells Like a Nirvana WebRing

    1. Description of Ring and qualifications to join.
    2. How to join.
    3. Code for the Ring  (You will need this before you can be added fto the still may join though.)
    4. For Members of the Ring.
1.  Smells Like A Nivrana WebRing is a new WebRing that has just started out.  It is made for all Nirvana sites, and Nirvana-related sites if I feel they relate enough to them.  What the Ring itself looks like is shown at the bottom of the page in case you are curious to what it looks like, which I am sure you are.
 **To be able to join the ring you will need:**

That is what is required for you to add your site to this ring.  I will be checking over each site that wants to enter.

2.  To join the Ring, you will need to go to:;addform
        and fill out the form there.

After you join the Queue (You won't yet be a member of the ring, I'll make you one later.), you have the code somewhere on the page you are planning to enter into the ring. (Do NOT put the ring on a different page, other than the one you are entering.)

3.  Code required to be put somewhere on your page:   Cut and Paste

Get the Code!

Remember, where it says:
   1. __site_id_here__  You have to replace it with the Site ID emailed to you when you join the Queue.
   2. __Email__  Put your email address here
   3. __name__ Put your name here
Other than that...everything should be all set! :)

4. For Members of the Ring:

 Edit Site Information
 Code Fragment
 Email RingMaster

  This Nirvana WebSite belongs to: Carrie 
Nirvana WEBRING 
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Want to join the ring? Click here for more info. 

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