What is Wicca?

What is Wicca you ask? Wicca is a Neo-Pagan religion based on the early traditions from the places of England, Scotland, and Wales. The earliest confirmed arifacts of the Wiccan Religion can be dated back to at least 20,000-40,000 years ago and reflects the Goddess of the Witches. There are paintings of the God of the Witches and their Rituals that have been dated back to 12,000-15,000 years ago. Therefore, Witchcraft isone of the oldest religions in the world.

History of Wicca

As the Classical Times came, the religion of Witchcraft was influenced by the Celtic Religions and both of the religions borrowed things excessively from each other. Well, as Christianity claimed more political power, laws were passed accordingly to Christianity. Which meant most were against Wicca and Witchcraft Religions of the such. (This also happened because of the stereotype witches have about only casting evil spells.) And also because it seemed that the Wiccan religion was in competition with the new religion.But actually, the religion of Wicca wasn't considered "bad" unti the 15th century when 2 dominican monks forged a paper from the catholic pope. This letter was later accepted by the Vatican. Then churches actually started then to prosecute (may I add very ACTIVELY) anyone of the Witch tradtion and allthe followers. About 9,000,000 (yes, MILLION) woman and children that were horribly and innocently killed during these Burning Times, as most prefer to call it.

By the late 19th century, Witches started to realize that they had to tell and show their religion out in the open and the truth about it, for a new age was coming to be. It wasn't until the 1950's, that Witchcraft had actually become legal again. Now, witches are all claiming what they are and the freedom of religion that the first amendment so proudly claims.


No, Male witches are not called "sorcerers" OR "warlocks", for warlock meas "traitor" and obviously this will be considered an insult. Wicca is pronounced as and the word Witch can be refered to both male and female.


First of all, Witcxhes believe that has ever been worshipped does exist, but yet they only really worship 2 of them. These two are called: The Great Mother and The Horned God. All other God's came from these two.

The Great Mother is considered Mother Nature. She gave birth to the universe and she is also the main surce from which everything comes. She has connotations with the Moon and is also worshipped as a Triple Moon Goddess in Her aspects of Maiden, Mother, and Crone.

The Goddess gave birth to the Horned God, also Her Consort. He is the Lord of the Hunt, the Lord of the Dead and the Underewolrd and the Lord of Life. He is shown with antlers to show that he is an Earth God.

Another Belief is Reincarnation. Wiccans see life as a complete cycle. Birth, Death, and then fianlly, Rebirth. The method or reason for this isn't yet completely understood so each Witch can discover that for themselves. Some beieve that if we are faithful to our loved ones, we will be born amongst them and love them again. Others believe that we choose our parents in each new life so that we learn something new ad a different lesson to become an even better person.


Witchcraft is a major nature religion. It emphasizes balance and growth in our lives. If we have uncontrolled fertility in the world, the planet will slowly become over-populated and in order in maintain this from not happening we need balance. Wiccans practice sexual equality, because the Gods are in a male-female balance. So, most covens MUST have a High-Prietess to perform Rituals, and of course have a High-Priest as well. Most believe that animals have their own souls and (HOPEFULLY!) oppose animal experimentation and also oppose any nature harming.


General Wiccan Info

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