Joćo Carlos Klinke

(Big Pet Shop Boys Fan)

Hi Everybody!!!

My name is Joćo Carlos Klinke and I am 27 years old (1999).

I am an electrical engineer, graduated in 1994 in UNESP (Universidade
Estadual Paulista), in the city of Bauru, state of Sćo Paulo, Brazil of

This is my first homepage and I would like to ask you to forgive me for its
poor quality. I intend to improve it in the future.

As you may have seen at the top of my page, I am a very big fan of the Pet
Shop Boys which is a british techno/pop/dance group. The songs by the Pet
Shop Boys that I like most are: Being Boring, My October Symphony and The
End Of The World. It's hard for me to tell that these are the songs that I
like most because I love all PSB songs!!!

I have about 90 PSB cd's so far (including albums, singles, special/limited
editions and bootlegs),
By now you may be wondering: Who the hell is this guy?? Well, take a look at me
right below. In this picture, I seem to be scared, but that's not what happened.
The photographer told me not to blink my eyes so I kept them wide open, but
how could I know that I would look like this by doing it? :))

Check out my "PSB Links Page"

This is me!

As I said, I graduated in 1994 and the days of my graduation dinner party
and my graduation ball were certainly the best of my life!!
Take a look right down and see me at my graduation dinner and at my graduation
ball, respectively:

This is me at the dinner for my graduation party. It was hot!.

This is me at the ball for my graduation party

Click "here" to see more pictures of me

Do you have a long URL? Such as: "http://www.bla.bla/bla/bla.htm" ?

Then join

Your friends and/or customers will never forget you again!

I love my country, Brazil, and here is how it appears on the map with its flag inside it

Well, this is a little something about me. If you have anything in common with me and want to drop me a line, do it at my
e-mail address below. If you don't have anything to do with me or the Pet Shop
Boys, but still want to drop me a line, just do it!! :))


Are you also "addicted" to buying cd's?

So click on the banner above to the World's Largest Music Store: CDNOW

Links to other sites on the Web

International Lyrics Server
Windows95 - Download
My PSB Page
This site in Portuguese (short version)
CDnow - The World's Largest Music Store

Don't forget to drop me a line!!!

This site was last updated on April 25th, 1999

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