The Home Page of Howard L. Rushing

By Howard Rushing

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This is the home page of Howard L. Rushing. I am an alumni of Sigma Alpha Mu - Beta Rho Chapter at the University of Houston. News Flash: Got a sheepskin, but no job yet!!!! Still looking for a job. Anyone who has a suggestion, please feel free to drop me a line. The Sigma Alpha Mu - Beta Rho Alumni page is up and running!!! If you know of any phone numbers, e-mail addresses, etc of any Sigma Alpha Mu- Beta Rho alumni, please give them to me so I can finish working on this. The address of the page is http://freeweb.pdq.net/hrushing As you will notice my page has been rated G by adequate.com If your interested in this rating sytems click on the graphic in the top left hand corner of the page.

I not so recently added a page to my site that contains the PEZ FAQ and a link to pez.org The PEZ FAQ contains just about everything you could ever want to know about my favorite candy, PEZ. If you have any old PEZ dispensers lying around your house and don't want them anymore, or if you live somewhere far from me and have access to PEZ dispensers that I probably don't have, drop me a line.

Click right here for my PEZ page

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Here are a few links

Note: These are links to some very different sites. Just because I have a link to a site, It doesn't mean that I am affiliated with, agree with, or support anything contained on the site or any links on that site. If you ask me to link to your site, I most probably will. If you ask me NOT to link to your site, I will probably honor your request, depending on the circumstances.

Take a look at the wonderful U of H

Lost?? Here is a good list of search engines

Click here for CHiPs Online

Here is a link to to the home page of Amanda Cash, which is still under heavy construction


The Houston Late-Night Eats Page

welcome to sidewalk


Get your own free page from geocities.com


More e-mail addresses than you can shake a stick at, Count em' . . . 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, SEVEN!!

Send feedback to hrushing@pdq.net

You can also send mail to me at a-panzerfaust@juno.com

Due to the big screwup of the Sigma Alpha Mu membership directory, who listed the wrong address for me, you can reach me at a-tandersaust@juno.com And to think I gave them $69.00 for them to screw up my listing!

I can also be reached at yet another address hrushing@geocities.com

Here is another geocities address howardr@geocities.com

Can you believe it?? another e mail address you can reach me at!! uhsammy@hotmail.com

O.K., this is getting absolutamente ridiculoso howardrushing@usa.net

You can contact Sgt. B.W. Rushing at p544rush@aol.com

The Crest of Sigma Alpha Mu Fraternity

Thanks for coming by!!

This site rated byADEQUATE.com

If you didn't sign my guest book, PLEASE do so! It is right above my links section, thanx!!!

This page is dedicated in the memory of John and Brown Rushing