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I am not responsible for anything illegal on this web-page. Please e-mail all complaints to this man. He is responsible for all the worlds problems If for some reason you find me or my web-page content offensive or degrading, please e-mail me so that I may reply and tell you how much of a loser you really are. If you are dumb, leave now. If you are under the age of 21, it is illegal to drink alcohol in any of our fifty states. If you are involved with the Microsoft-Intel take over the world scheme, then you suck, so leave now. If you are a citizen in the state of Nebraska, viewing the contents of my page is NOT illegal, so please continue. If you are a member of ARC or the CIA, Welcome! And Please enjoy the facilities of my page! If you suffer from or fit any of the following conditions, it may be hazardous to partake in some rides at Six Flags Great Adventure:  pregnancy, back or neck pain, heart problems,  motion sickness, or frequent nausea. Please consult your doctor before taking any of our products orally. If you would like a signed photograph of Yogi Berra, he lives in Essex County NJ, so please feel free to visit. The Rastafrog Corporation is an independent trademark and is in no way associated with neither Coca Cola brand Cola Soft drink, nor Trojan Brand latex condoms. Coke is better than Pepsi. If you using a text based Internet browser, HA HA!!! The preceding information does not pertain to anyone in Madagascar or the Czech Republic. This is just a reminder, Bill Gates is NOT a god, despite what all of the media might have to say. If you are in any way affiliated with the government, I'd like to let you know that I'm planning on legalizing my site soon! Everything on these pages is mine, except for all that is illegal: those things I pretty much stole from other pages and stuff (just kidding). If you don't like my site, I offer you my ass, please feel free to kiss it. Thank you and with no further ado, I present to you, absolutely nothing: isn't it great?