Here's the idea, below are lines from thriteen differant songs. Your mission wether or not you choose to accept it is to find what songs each of these quotes are from. Then
email me with the song title, artist who sings the song, and the album the song is off of. What do you get for your toubles? The LIMITED edition, new for 1997 local bands CD from San Francisco radio station live 105, kits. This CD features exclusive songs from Third Eye Blind, Mr. T Experiance, Tori Amos, and Green Day, plus more. Also if you enter now we'll thow in the lovely "Grass of 96", the latest sampler from grass records.
#1. "How does it feel when he calls your name? you plug your ears but it's not the same"
#2. "I will never bow to the ages, I will never let down my guard, ask for nothing and you get what you pay for, I've got pride instead".
#3. "Fuck Doug, I'm not going out like this, I'm all I've got and I won't be missed, This makes, it makes no sense to me, this isn't the way life's supposed to be"
#4. "Big bully try to stick his finger in my chest, he tries to tell me, tell me he's the best, I don't really give a good god damm cus I got my lunchbox and I'm armed real well"
#5. "It's unlaughable now though it's not ok, you knew you were screwing us both over anyway, I wish I laugh but my laughs tapped out, cus sat alone as worshiped you wallet setting up goals or what ever you call it."
#6. "Slut kissed girls, won't you promise her smack, Is she pretty on the inside, is she pretty from the back"
#7. "Shock the middle class, stick it up your punkrock ass, you rub your little thing
when you see phony dikes in penthouse magazine"
#8. "Your brains went black when she took back her mouth, and threw it out into the sun the birds did fly when the heavens all went dry, and the cigaretts were smoking by themselves"
#9. "but there is nothing more sadistic than an infant, waving his pistol in my face"
#10. "bleed in your own light, dream of your own life, I miss me, I miss everything I'll
never be, And on, and on I torch my soul to show the world that I am pure, deep inside my heart, no more lies"
#11. "I never thought it would end like this, just because I've got no tits, I'll shave my legs I'll wear a bra even cut my penis for you"
#12. "I don't feel the suns coming out today, it's staying in going to find another way,
as I sit here in this misery I don't think I'll ever know lord see the sun from here, and though I stay away the'll all look at me and say the'll say hey look at him I'll never live that way, but it's ok their just afraid of change"
#13. "I only see myself reflected in your eyes, and all that I belive I am essentially are lies"
In order to win you need eight out of thirteen answers, including: song title, artist, and album. I suggest that you print this out and take it to your school, job, church or anywhere else large groups of people come together. You can also call your local radio station, record store or Parent Teacher Assosiation, they could help alot, If all else fails you can contact the Christian Colalition, they keep a log on all artstic, I mean satanic, lyrics. Once you have gathered all the information send it to me at once I have recieved enough entries all correct entries will be put in a hat and a winner will be drawn. The winner will recieve the fabulous prizes mentioned above.