I hate my life
I hate my job
I blame the world
so I kill
and kill
and kill
no one is safe
what was it people say?
oh yeah
"lock up your daughters"
but that won't help
I kill anyone
I want to kill everyone
I want to kill the world
doesn't really matter
we're all doomed anyway
the world is going to hell
or is it already there?
"all for one and one for all"
"together we stand, united we fall"
all of it
the sooner you figure life out
the sooner the fun begins
mine as well have fun
after all,
"we only have one life to live"
so make the best of it
everything is a lie
all things were created for one purpose
to distract us from thinking too much about one thing:
and it's really unfair
death is such an intimate experience to share
most people go through life without sharing this experience too many times
it should be different
if the world would open its eyes
see past the lies
see how much fun there is to have
sharing death
the world would be a better place.

By: Ryan Stancl