
WRITTEN BY: Israel Horovitz
PERFORMED AT: SUNY College at Fredonia, NY
PERFORMED ON: December 11, 1998
DIRECTOR: April Neujean
SPONSORED BY: SUNY College at Fredonia
* ELSA- Kris Danford
* WILL- David Alan Scott Jr.

PLOT: After fourteen years apart, two former lovers reunite in the park to reminisce. A one-act drama.

HISTORY: In Fall 1998, the directing class at my college held auditions for one-act plays. Each student in the class would direct a play. So, on October 19, I auditioned for about fourteen once! A scary situation, but I was sure that, out of fourteen possible plays, I could land a role in at least one.
And I was right. The next day, I found out that directing student April Neujean (who was co-starring with me in "Crimes of the Heart") had cast me in her production of "Hopscotch", my first play to have only two people in it.
Many rehearsals for the show were unavoidably and understandably cancelled (due to other matters April had to attend to, class-wise and family-wise). Nonetheless, Kris and I pulled off a good show, thanks in part to April's directing.
There were only two glaring flaws about the whole experiencem the first being that I was perhaps too burnt out by theater to put on a best-possible performance.
The other flaw was that when I had pictures taken of Kris and I in our costumes right after the show, I had forgotten to put film in the camera!
(This was quite a downer because I always have had photos taken whenever I was in a play. Realizing my error the following night, I had somebody take pictures of just me, in my costume, sitting--as my character--in the rec room of my dorm building. For some of the shots, I held up the program for the show, which misspelled my name as "David Allen Scott".)
But unlike with "Crimes of the Heart", I was actually able to get this show video-taped, so things all evened out.
Our one-act was the last of fourteen one-acts performed, over a four-day period, at Fredonia's Bartlett theater. The three plays performed the same night as ours were "The Battle of Bull Run Always Makes Me Cry" (featuring my "Rocky Horror" co-star Katie Booker as Linda), "You Can't Trust the Male", and "Visitor from Forest Hills".

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