globeyellowbelly inanityglobe

Yellowbelly Halloween fiasco

Halloween fiasco revisited

I believe this was 1993, at the SFU pub, where the Mountain bike club hosted their annual H-ween shindig. Well this particular event was marred by subpar music, whether it was packaged canned or live. Recommended by fellow grad Emma (taking the shot), a top notch social geographer and computer whiz, let it be known that choosing party venues was not one of her stronger traits. Dressed as a makeshift Elton John (last minute costume) from some of Emma's parents clothing, the drunken stupor of this shot speaks volumes in my attempt at 'fake fun'. After listlessly passing the time getting shelled by John Martin (spock costume, head chopped in pic) at bubble hockey, we and our cohorts decided to hit the floor to the dysfunctional rhythms of Yellowbelly, a local pre-acid jazz-type-o-band that had seen better days. Note from the footage that there is a bicycle on an already crowded dance floor. I spent a lot of time at the bar that night.
