Web Page


Welcome to my first web page. I am just starting to work on it. As I learn more, I will be adding lots of neat stuff. I plan to have text articles on my favorite band, Duran Duran, as well as my second favorite band, Loverboy; and probably memories from growing up in the 80's.


A few of my favorite things

Too Much Information (click on a link or a picture below to transfer to an information page):

About Me

I had these pictures (and many others) in my high school locker:

Duran Duran


Visit my message board (added at Astrid's request :)
Message Board

Note: I have created a separate fan page for the Best Band of the 90's and 00's, The Tender Idols Diary of a Tender Idols fan

Now it's your turn:

Please Read my Dreambook
Please Sign my Dreambook

(added at my friend Astrid's suggestion)

Being a woman in a society that doesn't protect women and children, I feel the need to educate people on a serious social issue. If you know of a child that is being abused, please report the abuser to child protective services and/or call:

1-800-2-A-CHILD (TDD)

Child Help USA's web site

Children are precious and need to be protected because they cannot defend themselves.
Here is an info page: Child Abuse Prevention. You can make a difference!

On a happier note, I would like to extend thanks to my friend Adam for his encouragement, support, and invaluable advice without which there would not be this web page--the most recent thing I have to thank him for is the beautiful home logo that he created for me; to Robert for making the About Me page format much more interesting, for creating a nice logo for me, and for reminding me to add something about my 2 years of French classes in high school; Angelicka for providing the enthusiasm, which propelled me forward, to Rhodie for his advice, to Astrid for mailing me her English Duran Duran articles (Transcribing them will keep me busy for a long time--a labor of love), and to Laurel and Joey for providing me the information needed to add a guestbook.

Disclaimer: No copyright infringement is intended. If there is a problem pertaining to copyrights on this web site, let me know. Please do not copy any of the pictures or text. I have been going to a lot of trouble to obtain permission to use these items. Also, since this is my web site, it contains information about my experiences and my opinions. I am not trying to offend anyone and arguing with me via e-mail will not change my mind.

That's all I have for now.

Send mail to Lady of the 80's