Drum Music, Electronic; with Vince Schaefer Teaching drums, and writing drum solos at South Park High School

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Lebende Unterhaltung auf verschiedenen Aufschlag und elektronischen Meßgeräten! Live Entertainment on a variety of percussion and electronic instrumentation!

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¡Para el español ventiladores que hablan de la Música de Tambor Electrónica, y de la música! For the Spanish speaking fans of Drum Music Electronic, and music!

Early in my teaching career, I taught the drum-line at South Park High School. It was a job set up by Gary Inks, the director of the Royal Crusaders, who was the instructor there for previous years. Many of the students I taught there, came to march while I taught either the Finleyville Corps or their Cadet Corps. This was where I met percussionist Dave Cambell, who helped me learn to deal with computers so I could record my album: A Drummers Laugh. David still teaches and judges outdoor drumming, and was director and show coordinator for the General Butler Vagabonds, and is presently coordinator for the Pioneer Drum Corps. The Pioneers did quite well this year scoring 79.30 at the Drum Corps International quarter final championship at Buffalo on August 9, 2001. I also met Buddy Salvetti, who I marched in the snare-line with at Finleyville. There were many more including Doug Queck, Willard Jordan, Richard Metz, and some faces without names. If you were there, give me a note at: vin.drums@verizon.net .
     The whole show for South Park, was based on: The Wizard of Oz, and featured tunes from the show including: Ding Dong the Witch is Dead.

   Terri Dobos, who I marched with in the Modernettes was also an instructor at the school, teaching their majorettes and guard.

    I didn't know it back then, but my future wife Christine was actually marching in the band at that time! I didn't meet her until years later, when I was manager of my own independent: Odious Dyne Color-guard

Web Design and Content is Copyright © 2002 Common Laugh Productions and Vince Schaefer