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[Historical Evidence from the Earth & Moon themselves button]

[Established scientific proofs button]

[Theory of solar system formation button]

[Complex tidal influences and perturbation button]

[Harmonics and dissonance button]

[What world myth can tell us button]

[Chaos theory button]

[Complex n-bodied influences button]

[Fractal mathematics linked with orbital dynamics button]

[What observation reveals button]

[The accumulated statistical record button]

[Magnetic and electrical interaction button]

ontrary to what is believed by scientists and many people, there is increasing support for the concept of the astrological influence. This comes from discoveries that are being made almost on a daily basis. The discoveries range from the quantum level to the very real impact of the turbulent sun on our civilization, geomagnetic influences and the influence of the moon on tides and cicadian rhythms. Then there are the surprises that bring about great and sudden changes. Coupled with this is the proof coming in from observation almost as frequently. Today, we often hear of astrobiology and/or cosmobiology. Although these terms have more to do with exobiology; i.e., life existing elsewhere than on Earth, there remains the fact that life has its ultimate origins in the stars and space and these have a profound and continuous influence on the Earth. There is even speculation that life is older than the present cosmos! Some ideas in science are as strange, if not wilder than what contemporary astrology supposes to be true. There is proof for some of these ideas as you will find by exploring the links below.

The proofs of an astrological influence come from areas of theory and observation such as;

� New: Earth Catastrophes to Come

        Other pages under this category:

� Chaos theory

               NEW.....Chaos Theory
               Chaos and the Individual
               Chaos and the World Order
               Fear, Loathing and Forgetfulness

� Complexity and the N-bodied problem

        Other pages under this category:
               Lagrangian Equipotential Geometry
               Time: What it is and what it is not
               Conditional stability
               The Origins of Rotation and Orbits
               Origins of Galactic Structure
               At the Galactic Core

� Simple Harmonics, Fractals & Orbital Periods

        Other pages under this category:
               NEW.....What is a fractal?
               Ratios and Discrete Numerical Relations
               HARMONIC SPECTROSCOPY: Defining Positions & Planetary Orbits by Analyzing Stellar Accretion Structure
               Time: What it is and what it is not
               Venus & its Curious Relation to Earth
               Chiron & Transitional Bodies: Worlds caught in Chaos and Orbital Change
               UPDATED		Saturn's Ring and Moon Dynamics: Complex Orbits and Accretion Rings
               Jupiter, Lord of the Planets
               Fractal Orbital Resonance and Dissonance
               Complexity Simplified: The Case For Evolving Solar Systems
               Laminar Flow and Accretion: Origins of Turbulence and Planetary Formation
               Planet Hunting! Fractal Orbital Resonance in Exosolar Systems               
               TNOs and the evolution of the solar system

� The Evolution of Solar Systems

        Other pages in this category
               Interstellar Rogues Galore
               The Drake Equation & Catastrophe
               What if... There was no moon
               The Formidable Challenge of Interstellar Travel
               Complex Convergence and Life
               Proposals for Space Travel
               Faster Than a Speeding Bullet
               Gold! on them thar asteroids!
               The Reactionless Mass Drive Propulsion Engine
               The Permanent Magnet Motor

� Tidal Influences & Perturbation

        Other pages in this category
               Paradise Earth
               NEW	Catastrophic Weather Cycles
               Four Types of Earth Catastrophe
               The Birth of the Moon
               Impact: Junctions of Destruction & Creation
               When the Earth Explodes
               The 16 Annual warnings and hidden threats
               Geomagnetic Reversals, Cosmic Events, Volcanism & Weather Cycles
               Comets & Dread of the Heavens
               Asteroids Everywhere in the Billions
               Atomic Tests, Benchmarks to Catastrophic Force

� Harmonics and dissonance

        Other pages in this category
               Relativistic Influences on Harmonics
               What is Matter?

� Historical Evidence from the Earth & Moon themselves

        Other pages in this category
               ONE TERRIBLE CRETACEOUS DAY: The day an era came to a cataclysmic end 
               INTIMATE COSMOS: Life, Death and Cosmic Conditions

� Established scientific proofs

        Other pages in this category
               Planetary Influences on Behaviour
               Intuition & Science
               The Astounding Truth Of Self Organization Out Of Randomness

� What observation reveals

        Other pages in this category
               Tropical Versus Sidereal: An answer for sceptical scientists
               The Metonic Moon Calendar
               Cosmic News Flashes and Confirmations
               Strange Observations from Ancient Light

� The accumulated statistical record

        Other pages in this category
               Event Clustering And Stochastic Processes
               Great Stelliums & Turning points in History

� Magnetic and electrical interaction

        Other pages in this category
               The Sun, Center Of Life
               Fractal Magnetism: Structure and 4D Winding
               The Search for Quantum Gravity

� What world myth can tell us

        Other pages in this category
               Astrological Myth & Nature
               Biblical Myth, Astrology & Astronomy
               Greek Myth & The Solar System
               Mesoamerican Myth & The Solar System
               Thirteen Olmec Constellations: Models for a Civilization
               Pyramids, Temples, Great Statues, Earth lines, and Ancient Skies

One thing is certain, the new astronomy indicates that some ideas of astrology are valid, but others need closer examination to test their truthfulness. This is controversial to say the least, but if you explore some of the pages above, you will see how everything is interconnected and that there is no such thing as an event or object existing in total isolation from all others.

The cosmos is complexly interconnected, each and every part influencing all the rest in ways that humanity is only now becoming aware.

If you have doubts about science, there are answers you can determine for yourself.

Route to Hot Links.

Definition of terms in these pages can be found here.

Reading and site references can be found here.

Two detailed books on some of these topics and more, is available in CD ROM format. A Gutenberg format will soon be available. If you are interested, email this site for more information.

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