What Is Life?
E-mail me at mavreich@hotmail.com in the meantime.
         Please come back soon and visit me.

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Welcome to my page
This page is the center of my ideas and my intricate mind.
If this is your first time in my page I hope you like it.  Have fun and find your own way around.
In regards to my web page,about the most important part of this page is dedicated to photography.  And so, I have included links to some of my work.
My Gallery
Artistic Portion
Highlights from France
My Page is far from done, and hopefully for your sake it continues to improve.  I am currently a stdent at Iowa State University studying Aerospace Engineering.  I live on Stange House in Friley, The Best House on campus.  I am currently running for House Vice-President and academic chair for next semester, and hopefully I will suceed in my campaigning.
Travel on the highway estranged with this link to my pal Lord of Nye
If you got time check out my friend Kev's new page
This book is currently the best book I have ever read, which happens to be  in a list of a lot of books, so if you have not yet read Catch-22, I suggest that you get a copy.. 
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