South América Skinheads
The first skinheads was born in São
Paulo (Brazil) in the year 1981. "Carecas Do Suburbio"
called themselves. They were nationalist skinheads. Years later
are formed the "Carecas do ABC." The skinheads you
begins to extend to other cities of Brazil like Rio de Janeiro,
Parana, Porto Alegre, Brasilia, etc. In 1985 in Brazil he is
carried out a gig with bands Oi!, punk and hardcore that I finish
with several deaths, wounded and 120 detainees. It was known as
"black December." In the year ' 84 are formed the first
band Skinhead in Argentina, call "Comando Suicida". At
the end of those ' 80 in Brazil had around 1.000 skinheads and in
Argentina 150. In 1989, in Brazil the movement skinhead is
divided among the nationalist skins (Carecas do ABC, Carecas do
Suburbio, carecas do Brazil) and the Skinheads White Power. In
these moments in Argentina are the following music-bands
"Razon y Fuerza", " Ultrasur ", "Accion
Radical" and "Comando Suicida". Years behind
existed music-bands like "Reaccion Violenta",
"Legión Argentina", "Producto Nacional" and
"Krisis Nerviosa" . The following fanzines is published
" Volksturm ", " Phoenix ", Odalan
Skinheads", Victoria o Valhalla", "Guerrero
In Brazil the movement White Power Skinhead is in the south of
the country. There are several music bands like D.A.",
Locomotiva88 and Frente Nacional." There are a great
quantity of publications like 20/04, " Vitória ",
" Verlauf ", Povo do Senhores", The Horde of the
Wolves", etc. At the moment in Brazil there is around 200
Skinheads White Power. The movement nationalist skinhead, has a
great one I number in the cities like São Paulo and Niteroi.
There is 1.500 nationalist skinheads in all Brazil. Are bands
like The Skulls", Bandeira de Combate", "Cruzada
Patriotica", etc. The main skin'zine is Nação Forte
Other South American countries with presence skinhead are Chile,
Colombia and Uruguay.
In Chile there is around 100 skinheads, and the main organziacion
it is "Accion Chilena". There is a called skin'zine
"Rayo Surdico". And time behind had music-bands like
" Rockanoi!" and División Gamada." In Colombia
there is 20 skinheads in Medellin and Bogotá. They publish a
magazine you "Haz Rebeldia Oi!" and they have two
groups RAC "Orgullo nacional" and
"Huetramannaland." In Uruguay the movement skinhead
began single 2 years ago. There is 5 skinheads WP, the skin'zine
Accion Directa is published and he is a music-band called WP/RAC
20 April of 1999, you forms the first organization skinhead at
called South American level " IMPERIUM " with skinheads
White Power of Argentina, Brazil, Uruguay and Mexico.