PV's Awesome Room


Ok, my name is PV, or Steve if u wanna be all legal n stuff.  I'm a guy, & that's a good thing cause I dont know too many girls named Steve.  I'm from Michigan & like Metal, rock & rap music.  Icp, Twiztid, Megadeth,Days of the New, KORN, Slipknot, Bootleg & Smash Mouth r my alltime favorite bands.  I like parties, lots of parties, drinkin, hangin out, goin to the mall & 4:20 is my favorite #. I am cool.  Oh yeah & I'm 15.  If ur in this room I dunno how the hell u found it but if u don't suck u can email me if u want at slaunstein@voyager.net. & I got Yahoo pager, my name's PV_420_69.  K that's all I gots ta say about now so CYA!!!!!!!!!!!!

Here's a great  place for metal merchandise

Good ICP Site

shirts, hats, posters...
News, Lyrics, great interviews... /clipart/buttons/Generic/arrow_10b.gif

Here's my chick pics for all u guys & lesbos.

All u girls should come here

& here is me & my friends (I'm the PV pic)

Guys, here's a good place for pics

My friend Shawn's site (cool pic aint it?)

[ Yahoo! ] options

Now rnt u glad u found my page?  I would be if I were u, u should feel really special, unless u didn't sign the guestbook, then ur really gay.