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I would like to tell you all that it took me a very loooooooongggg time unitl I got the hang of this html coding stuff and I have finally been able to make it work so just bare with me here alright?

If things on this site don't work probably you'll know why! But let me tell u this I have tried my best to make everything work.

So anyways I decided to make a website coz well I dunno just wanted to have a go at something new....plus its somthing to do when I'm bored ha! Well the stuff I'm gonna put in this website are basically just stuff I'm into and like. You can look around and see if u find anything that interest u, well I hope something does!

Below I have added links to pages where u can learn more about me and the stuff I like.

homer About Me + Pics

Random stuff

checkout picFunny Stuff

punk dudeCute n' funny pics

Yo check out if the person u like is a good match for u! OH and don't take it too seriously ppl its just a bit of fun!....these things aren't always right..but check it out anyways..see what happens!

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