John J. Gabriel

Hey everyone,
My name is John, and that's me on the left hand side.  I'm sorry to inform you, though, that this picture was me about 150 pounds ago.  Since then I have gained a considerable amount of weight.  In that course of time, I have grown very insecure about my body.  Let me give you an expample:  A few weeks ago, I went to Cancun with a couple of my roommates at Madison.  When swimming in the ocean, I looked out of place.  For I had on a "wife-beater" in the water while no one else did.  I thought I was hiding what lie underneath, but to my suprise, I stuck out even more!  I mean I thought there would be other large white men swimming in the ocean with "wife-beaters" on, but no.  So not only did I show everybody that I was fat, but also that I was insecure about it.  Way to go me!

The Place I Tried to be Cool

A Site That Proves I'm a Loser

Shoe Under the Door Time

My Partners Ride Board

I come from a family of very large farmers.  So, yes, I am a fat hick.

I like to sit on the couch all day, feed my face and tell everybody in an abnoxious Chris Farley type voice, "I have a bit of a weight problem."  Every so often I like to try to prove to myself that I am able to use my size to my advantage, only to find out that a guy half my size can easily compete with me.  My idea of exercise is walking to my room and playing WWF Smackdown on my Sony Playstation.  Oh, and did I mention that I am hot shit.  Well, at least that's what I tell people so that they think I have a high self esteem, when it's really the opposite. 

I have only one friend in the world, and that is my 13-year old brother.  His name is Jeff.  He's 5'1", weighs 195 pounds, and talks like a fag.  But, I love him very much.  He's my only friend in the whole wide world.