Slayer Society is a 2nd season Buffy: the Vampire Slayer role-playing game. In this game, each player takes a character and acts out what the character would do, etc. So what does this result in? Chaos, mainly. But other than that, good old fashioned fun. If you have legitimate questions (like 'Gee, Alice, I don't even know what a role-playing game is!), e-mail me. Other questions, such as 'Gee, Alice, I've never seen an episode of Buffy, but I watch Angel all the time, is that okay?', I will ignore. :-D
Allrighty, here's the rest of it:
1. The Cast List
2. Rules
3. How to Play
4. What's Going On
5. Character Placement
This is really important, because if you need to get in touch with
a cast member, this is the info you need.
Buffy: Alice (
Angel: Elisa (>)
Xander: Ron (
Willow: Ems (
Giles: Argus (
Cordelia: Christie (
Drusilla: Maren (
Spike: Eric (
Lucy: Tanya (
Yeah, yeah, yeah. We gotta have 'em, though.
1. The game is rated R. The game is *not* rated NC-17. Sex,
profanity, violence, drugs, rock and roll, the works-- it can be
done, IN CONTEXT, and TASTEFULLY. I refuse for this to turn
into one of those icky sex games.
2. Respect each other. I can't make you like each other, but I
can make you show each other some respect. NO PUBLIC
FLAMING. If you have an issue, e-mail ME, and I will address it.
The game goes best when everyone TRUSTS each other.
3. Respect *me*. If I ask you to do something, just do it.
4. Post at least 3 times a week. If you are unable to do this,
e-mail me, and we'll talk. If you're going to be out-of-town, let me
know, so we can figure out what's going on with your character.
5. No ONE-LINERS. The quality of the game depends on the
quality of the posts.
8. Do not God-Mode. You cannot control what other people
think, say, or do, so don't try!
7. HAVE FUN!!!! :-D
Okay, this is how your post should look:
Subject: Buffy Summers (your character name)
Buffy Summers. (your character name again)
Your post . . . blah, blah, blah . . .
Note: your post should be in third person (he/she) and past
tense, but if you prefer to use 1st person (I), you may do so. If
you want to convey thoughts, try to put them in asterisks.
TBC: Whoever
The TBC (to be continued) is very important, because it keeps
the game play moving. You can have TBC: Anyone, TBC: Giles,
Cordelia, Buffy, or TBC: Xander. It just helps to know who the
game is directed at . . . it functions as an ATTN: in the subject
box, but it keeps things cleaner.
Also, if you have storylines that you want to discuss, e-mail the
characters involved, and send a copy to me. I will not veto any
storylines (providing they're half-decent). Every once in a while, if
the game drags, I'll e-mail someone and say, 'So-and-so is
going to poison you and you're going to lose all your memory.'
This is just to keep the pace up.
If you need to use a character such as Jenny Calendar or Joyce,
you can do so . . . just make sure no one else is already using
them in their storyline.
If you want to put a personal note, you may do so after the TBC.
This can be anything . . . Alice, you rock! or that sort of thing. :-D
Okay, here's the deal: This game takes place right around
'School Hard', but we're not going to just act out what's already
happened on Buffy. If you want to read what's been going on on
Buffy up to this point, buffy guide ( is a
great place to go read ep guides. This is old-school Buffy, so I
know it's been a while for some of us, especially those of us
without the aid of FX. Dru and Spike just came to town, Buffy
died last season, so we can be expecting a new slayer soon.
Buffy is going to be the first to run into Spike, and Angel will be soon to follow. Dru, the sick one she is right now, is going to be at the lair. The others, meanwhile, are working to get
ready for parent-teacher night.
Buffy/Spike/Angel: Graveyard
Dru: The Lair
Cordelia/Giles/Will/Xander: the school
Just because I've placed you there doesn't mean that you
actually have to begin there in your post . . . for instance, Spike
and Dru can do an intro in their posts about why they came to
Sunnydale, just as long as Spike gets to the graveyard by the
end of his first post, and Dru gets to the Bronze.
Allrighty, I think that's it. The first post is soon to follow. And then
the game can begin. yay! If you have any questions, feel free to
e-mail me or IM me . . . I'm always online.