Catherine's Page!
Hey!  My name's Catherine Czaya.  I go to Goucher College in Baltimore (Towson) Maryland.  The main reason why I made this page is to share one of my biggests interests: music.  I enjoy many different types of music, including my roomate's large collection of classic rock (hehe), and my large collection of improvisational music, especially jambands.  So go on and explore...just watch out for the Blue Meanies!
Places of Mine to Visit
My Tapelist
I've got over 100 Phish tapes in additon to Grateful Dead, Bela Fleck, moe., and String Cheese Incident  I'm up for trades when I'm at school (Sept. to May), so check it out!
My Buddies
Come see me n my friends!
Phish Pictures
Random pics of the band.
New Years at Big Cypress Pictures
Check out pictures of the best millenium concert!  Phish in sunny Phlorida!
Other People's Places to Visit
Joel's Page
He's a dirty hippie too, so go here to trade Phish, Grateful Dead, and Leftover Salmon.  He goes to Anderson University in Indiana and lives in Cincinnati the rest of the time.  He plays all kinds of cool stuff on his guitar too.  Check out his
Jess' Page
Another of my very good friends.  She goes to Goucher with me.  She listens to all kinds of stuff like Radiohead, R.E.M, U2, Kula Shaker, Blur, etc., but she's also a Beatles phan, as am I.  She's looking for Radiohead and Kula Shaker shows, so go to her site if you've got any!  Check out her other interests as well: fencing, Star Wars, vegetarianism, etc.  See her
Eric's Page
This token boy goes to Goucher with us too.  He's a hot, single, Computer Science major lookin for love.  He listens to Metallica and the Smashing Pumpkins in addition to some other mainstream bands.  He plays guitar too.  Go see him!
Places I Like to Visit
Bela Fleck and the Flecktones Webpage
God Street Wine's Webpage
Leftover Salmons Webpage
moe.'s Webpage
Rusted Root's Webpage
String Cheese Incident's Webpage
Strangefolk's Webpage
Phunky Bitches Webpage
ZZYZXs Phish Stats
ZZYZXs String Cheese Incident Stats
Official Phish Page
Bela Fleck & the Flecktones
Phunky Bitches
Unofficial moe. page
Official moe. page
Setlist Link-
setlists for all kinds of jambands
The Nightclub 9:30 in DC
also links to the Recher Theatre in Towson
String Cheese Incident
Leftover Salmon
Dude:  Are you sure he won't mind?
Bunny:  Oh, Lenny?  He's a Nihilist.  He doesn't care about anything.
Dude:  Must be exhausting.
The funniest movie ever:  The Big Lebowski's official webpage
I am seriously obsessed with this movie.  If you haven't seen it, go rent it RIGHT NOW!!  Step away from the computer!  Or I will cut off your Johnson!!  And I will show you what happens when you f$#k a stranger in the ass!
Dude:  F$#kin Quintana.  That creep can roll, man.
Walter:  Yeah, Dude, but he's a petterass.
Places I Have to Visit Whether I Like Them or Not
Click here for the webring!
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