you can be as cool as we are.
do you have what it takes to be an animal?
we're looking for motivated self-starters to join our winning team! be your own boss! work from home! benefits include fame, glory, & infamy.

we have a wide variety of full-time & part-time local, telecommuting, & filesharing positions. work as little or as much as you like! you could work intricately on the programming of several songs, or you could just email us some noise (if we use it you're a member!), or anywhere in between. you have nothing to lose & slightly more than nothing to gain.

to join, or for more information, email stAllio! at or the reclusive lander at (hint: you'll get a quicker response from stAllio!)

(band / people / philosophy / album / songs / mp3s / music direct / cartoon / pointless / interview / join us / main / email)