I make no secret of the fact this is not a CD I would normally listen to, something that makes it a little harder to review as a CD. Wendy Rule, when listened to objectively is a very rewarding listen, the band as a whole would fit somewhere between folk and goth music but with many other little touches thrown in. This, Wendy's fourth album is different from her last “Worlds between worlds”, the lyrics have maintained their very pagan slant, but the music is much lighter to listen to than the almost mantra like tunes on previous releases. The sounds contained within are immaculately produced, something that has been improving with every Wendy Rule release I have heard. Wendy’s voice is immaculate, haunting in its delivery and the backing musicians (on the hand drums and cello) highlight this well. This is the type of CD that could appeal to metal heads if they were in a mellow mood, most Goths could get into it too and anyone that likes good acoustic music will really dig it.

Wendys stunning performance at the Rock Ape won many new fans as well as drawing many long time fans out of the woodwork to witness what was overall a really cool night!

Check out Wendy Rule on the web:HERE