JAN 2004
We've finally got some updates for everyone this week!
The Rock Ape memory implant is finally done its available at the bar for only $3, so if you're a regular you're probably on it! If you don't know what it is, come to the bar and find out!
Radio station 2XX are selling CDs for local bands, so contact them about it on programs@2xxfm.org.au , they're even accepting CD roms (as long as they meet certain specs...) so contact them and find out the deal!
The Rock Ape Cd is still available to buy at the bar for $5. It features heaps of local bands with previously unreleased works and some works which did end up released and sold out. It seems to have created a good buzz for the bands that featured on it, moving over 250 copies to interested punters / fans / bands / promotors / radio stations and lables. Its a cool snap shot of the first 2 years of the bar and this little scene we have here on a CD and definatley worth picking up!
After the success (...meaning I didn't loose too much money on the first disc haha) We're collecting stuff for another venture into CD's. At this stage it looks like either being a DVD if we can get mulitmedia capabilities soon or an interactive photo CD featuring heaps of piccies of the bar and bands as well as music and articles, or maybe even a combination of the two! look out for it and If you want to be on it get in touch!
Other cool releases to look out for are ASTRIAAL, the BIGOTS...