DJ: ...with the show at Ziggy's with Abra Moore. How is Abra Moore live?
Kevin Cadogan: I really like her. I met her in the elevator and she was nice live... she was sweet.
Arion Salazar: I dunno...
DJ: Used to be in Playdog(?) pondering. What are you over there tweaking? Take the chair. That is the chair right?
A.S.: 'scuse me...
DJ: Nothing but the finest. That's a lazy boy.
A.S.: Is it?
DJ: You like that?
A.S.: I feel lazier already.
DJ: How long have you guys been together as a band?
K.C.: 'Bout three years
DJ: Functional.
K.C.: Three and a half years.
A.S.: Yeah three and a half years...
DJ: So you guys... did u guys already know each other? I mean before you were in the band or did you just find out all this hospital stuff afterwards? [Hey, does any one know what "hospital stuff" the DJ is talking about? If so, e-mail me please.]
K.C.: Umm... yeah we just found out... actually (mumble in the background)
A.S.: Huh? What? Huh?
K.C.: We had like mutual friends who were in the same bands in high school. And so I had known about Arion for a while. He was like the "Folkiest Cat"
A.S.: Hahaha
DJ: You were the folkiest cat in Oakland?
K.C.: Yeah. he..
A.S.: Ha Flokiest...
K.C.: FOLKIEST. Naw he was like the guy to have in your band, you know? And so uh...
A.S.: Thank you Kevin. That's sweet.
DJ: So would you say that he's the "driving force?" Would you say that?
K.C.: Sure. Yeah I'll say it. I'll come out on the radio and say it.
A.S.: I'm not a very good driver so...
K.C.: Yeah he doesn't even have his driver's license.
A.S.: Yeah. so I'm not really the driving... literally the driving force.
DJ: But as the bass player you feel you reign?
A.S.: I feel I am, yeah. I feel I'm really running the show.
K.C.: That's cool.
A.S.: hahahaha
DJ: It's a groove oriented thing.
A.S.: Yeah.
DJ: so...
K.C.: We like him to feel that way.
DJ: I mean the album's cool there's a lot of different sounds on it, but I mean they're... these songs just get stuck in your head.
K.C.: Thanks.
DJ: You co-wrote like most of the songs.
K.C.: Yeah.
DJ: With Stephan right?
K.C.: Uh huh.
DJ: What's your favorite one that you like?
K.C.: Uhh... "Graduate" actually. "Graduate" and "Background" are my two favorites.
A.S.: "Background."
DJ: Any interesting stories behind any of the songs? I mean I understand that "Graduate" was written right before you went to... it was like a last minute thing; it just kinda came to you.
K.C.: Yeah well the music just sorta... just kinda happened at a rehearsal it was very spontaneous right before we were about to track actually. And Stephan just started singing. "Graduate" just came to him immediately as well. So you know it did happen very quick.
DJ: Do you feel like your better songs are generally the ones that just kinda come to you or the ones that you labor over?
K.C.: Well I think they're the most enjoyable because you got four guys hearing it for the first time... and that's what rock 'n roll is all about-- spontaneity and just happening. Just things happening. You know it wasn't like a demo taping passed around and each person putting their own parts on it.
DJ: Uh huh. A collaboration.
K.C.: Yeah.
DJ: A BAND for god's sake.
K.C.: Yeah that's exactly what we're talking about.