What the?

i don't get it

okie, here are sum things i just don't undastand.
howie's fave color is purple..what! i understand he's not gay but is he tryin' ta be?
brian's little dog, he seems like the person who would have a larger dog, oh now i get it leighanne must like little dog
aj's half shirt at the vmas just plain not undastandin'
nick turned down the mmc..why?
does kevin find his eye brows sexy? make 'em smaller..n/m don't!
one day delay be4 smtmobl debut! that pissed me off
howie's voice, what a lozer
howie's facial hair..looked better with out it
rolling stone, what inspired them 2 do that

got any ya like ta send


definetly more ta come cuz they're just too damn cunfuzing!