Name: Cassandra Joanne Ottery
2. Were you named after anyone?: Yeah a Witch called Cassandra. She was doomed to be able to see the future but not be able to do anything about what happens because no one would believe her. Cool hey?
3. Do you wish on stars: It Depends, sometime's you don't need to wish on stars for your dreams to come true *winks*
4. Which finger is your favourite?: ..The middle one :P
5. When did you last cry?:Yesterday when i got my friend Aaron's cd in the mail. I put it in the cd player and started crying because it made me think about how much i really miss him.
6. If you were making a movie about yourself, who would play you?: oo…um..i don’t ever want a movie made about me..Eeeek..i don't think anyone would want watch it…
7. Do you like your handwriting?:i never used to, but i do a bit now.
8. Who do you admire?: Wow where do i start? I admire My friends(Sarah, Jessica, Lisa, Emma ..and so on,...Aaron because he lives life to it's best!.I Admire a very special person, she's so strong and is so talented, Love ya Jers!
9. What is the #1 priority in your life?: To live life to the fullest and never give up!.
10. What is your favourite lunch?: Quick pasta..mmm quick, easy and is tastes GREAT!
11. Any bad habits?:I can be very self obsorbed at times, I also used to bite my nails, but i broke that habit which is great cause it's so much easier to play guitar now:) ..i'm sure there are many more, but that'll do hehe.
12. What store would you never be caught dead in?: One of those Old granny clothing stores
13. If you were another person, would you be friends WITH you?:No WAY!!! I’m a total bitch.
14. Are you a daredevil?: Yeah baby....Uh well easier said that done =P
15. Have you ever told a secret you swore you wouldn't tell?:Yeah, but only once, and that was because it was really serious.
16. Have you ever stolen anything?: Nopers
17. Do looks matter?: Being good looking certainly does help...Because that gets attension right? But No i go for personality, imean i couldn't date someone who was hot as and a total prick.
18. Do you pray?: Sometimes, but not often.
19. Have you ever met anyone famous?: Yup! I’ve met Ryan Kwanten(played vinnie on Home and away), Ryan Moloney(Todie on neighbours), Jade Hurly, Vanessa Amorosi, Savage Garden, Human nature, John Williamson, Invertigo and Hanson..i have talked to Scott Cain and Selwyn on the they count? lol.
20. Do you think there is a pot of gold at the end of the rainbow?: Nah….ok..Welll maybe..i can pretend can't i?
21. Are you trendy?: I try to be but most of the time i fail miserably.
22. What do you do to vent anger?: Sing, Play my guitar, Scream at people, and throw things.
23. Are you passive or aggressive?: A bit of both, ok so probably more agressive lol.
24. Who is your idol?: i don't realy idolze anyone. If i did i would be trying to be someone other than who i am.
25. Do you trust others easily?:No not really.
26. What was your favourite toy as a child?: Pinky my fuzzy bear I’ve had her since i was born
27. What class in school did you think was totally useless?: Cooking… No matter how hard they tried to teach me to cook, it just didn't work:P
28. Have you ever been on radio or television?: Yup..both
29. Do you like sappy love songs?: hehe yup…nothing like some romance. But i wouldn't wanna just listen to those kinda songs, i love beeing able to get up and dance to a happy song that makes me feel good :-D
30. Do you have a journal?: yes i have a real journal..i alot have a "live Journal" Go read's pretty boring!
31. Have you ever intentionally hurt someone?:Yup…I beat the crap outta a chick who was giving me shit…NO ONE messes with me, and gets away with it.
32. Do you like sarcasm?: do I like Sarcasm…like DUH *rolls eyes*:P
33. Have you ever been in a mosh pit?: yup..never EVER again.....if ur really tiny I don’t recommend it. Which i am..i got completely CRUSHED,anyone for broken bones?
34. Have you thought seriously about committing suicide?: Honesly? Yes i have, a few times. Not recently though.
35. Do you know what `sctief' is?: Um..a pink flying elephant?or maybe a gay dancing fairy?
36. What is/are your nickname/nicknames?: Casper, Cass, Jo, Baby, bub, Shorty, Ballerina.
37. Do you untie your shoes every time you take them off?:lol no I can never be bothered.Plus the shoes i wear the most don't have laces *grins*
38. What are you worried about right now?: I've been fretting about the Talent Quest next month.
39. Do you ever wear overalls?: lol not since I was like 10
40. Do you think you are strong?: I can overpower someone twice my size..but I dunno..maybe *shurgs*Emotionally i think i am, but i have had my low points.
41. What's your favourite ice cream flavour?: Vanilla with choc topping, or choc with peanut m&m's in it.
42. Do you like cabbage?: yeah. i was brought up eating lotsa healthy stuff.. i eat ALL my vegtables.
43. Who’s the most weirdest person in the world?: my friend Sarah.
44. Best turn on?: lol No comment *wiggles eyebrows*Ok i'll comment...Guys with nice arms, Drummers are ideal. Guys with long hair blonde or brown, Dark brown or baby blue eyes. A good strong American Accent. A guy with confidance, but isn't full of himself.
45. What’s the most important thing you have in your possession? I can't just name one thing but..My keyboards, my poetry/lyrics book, my guitars my desktop computer and my laptop, my Aussie Youth cd single and album.
46.What instruments do u play if any? I can play piano, Guitar(electric and acoustic), conga's, bongo's, bass guitar, Clarinet, drums and i sing!(i think of a singing voice as an instrument)
47. Your coolest experience?: being squished in 8000 sqreaming grabbing Hanson fans.haha scary stuff!!Meeting Hanson, Vanessa Amorosi, Human Nature. and soon to be added to the list..seeing Taxiride in concerT!:)
48. Hottest band/singer in your opinion: Thats hard i'll name a few, U2, Travis, Lifehouse, Gil and Tal Ofarim, The strokes, Black Midnight, Fire and ice, the Jellybeans The Moffatts and Darren Hayes, Aussie Youth, Taxiride, Human Nature and Field Day.
49. Favourite movie/s?: Scary Movie, Scream(all of em), Star wars(all of the movies!!)Dude, where's my car? LOTR(lord of the rings).
49: If your house was on fire what one item would u save? Um..My room? Everything in my room has meaning to books, my guitars, my computer, my jewlery, my bed...the list goes on and on and i'm gonna say my room:D OR i have a box that has all the things that are special to me in it, i'd grab that and my photo albums

Well thats is guys!! Got something u wanna know? them email me at I'll try and answer anything u wanna know..and then i'll add it here for everyone else to read:)