Mark Newton


Name:  Mark  A.K.A Custoneous

Date of Birth:  11/08 1973

Sign:  Scorpio

Marital Status:  Open for Suggestions

Occupation:  Time impaired delivery coordinator

Plays:  1st guitar, 2nd piano, 3rd Voice

Hair:  Light Brown

Eyes:  Chameleon Hazel

Pets:  Too many cats and a tank full of fish and 2 parakeets after she swore the last two cats were the end of madness

Favorite Food:  Sandwiches

Favorite Bands:  Tool, Pantera, Unit

Influences:  Classical guitar/Heavy metal, and passionate musicians

If you could take lessons from anyone, who would it be?   DimeBag        Darrell

Addiction of choice:  Anything new to me

What makes you great:  My compulsion to clean and organize

Why it sucks to be you:  My compulsion to clean and organize.

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Custoneous says:  A complex creature is he.  The only thing as outgoing as his ever exasperating personality are his "at free-will" ramblings from the fretboard.

In the event of nuclear war you would spend your last moments of life _______ing with ________.

"I would spend the last remaining moments of my life cleaning with fallout"