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A poet? An artist? Interested in arts and literature? Here's the place to go!

Literature & Arts @ abumarsa.ps

Robotics, Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning, Neural Networks and many other topics related to AI in the AI Cyber Palace Have a topic and can't get to discuss it with others? want to start your own online community? WHY NOT? Want to share experiences with others? Want to learn useful web design tips and tricks? Take it from the P&WD
"Palestine Archive" Project
PAP is a large project that needs the help of every Palestinian and Arab to accomplish. The project aims at creating an electronic online reference for all aspects of life in Palestine. We are building up information incrementally to get a stable and reliable source of information about Palestine that is independent of any political, religious or whatever other trend. See how you can help building an Online Home of Palestine.
"Palestine eGuide"
The eGuide is an effort to give the Palestinians and those interested in Palestine an access point to facilities, places, and every-day-life aspects of life in Palestine. The guide includes information about shops, restaurants, hotels, coffee shops, markets, companies, institutions, universities, governmental bodies, non-governmental-organizations, news and media, and a lot more ...

The Guide is not an advertising place nor an e-commerce portal. It's just a free guide to every-day-life for those living/intending to live in Palestine.

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