Becker's Symposium


A complete record of sounds emitted by Bonifangith  a.k.a The Reverand Horatius Boner:
(compiled by Becker)

Most of these came from numerous intelligent and unintelligent
conversations over instant messenger.




cats are simply furry slugs.


Bonifangth: Our clock is basically a sign that says now

People think "what time is it" and they see a clock that just says Now.

[so they will say] "Ohhh, it's now. That's good, I thought it was later"


I've been doing some research and by
my estimates 1 preposterous millenia equals about
.845 nanoseconds but 6 preposterous millenia comes
out to about 3.4 billion years. Do you generally
agree or disagrre with these numbers?


...a cross between a boomerang
and a hand grenade. It's uses in battle are limitless


This universe isn't big enough for the both of us


"speak softly and carry a large shaft"

and no one carries a larger shaft than I


I will beat the game with a stick

-Bonifangith's method



they should have thought of that before they sent
it. What's "Strickly" mean?

Thonibongith: It's like they're angry if the
person who gets this is under 18. You're the one
who sent it to me fucker

-Bonifangith's (aka Thonibongith's) response to a Porn ad.


My cat wears the pants in the family


Once I come up with the ability
to send physical objects through the phone line
you will recieve my cat


I like to waste my time


Bonifangth: try some cock sauce

 for that rooster problem of yours


i am president of peta and i have cat goes meow meow boom


A chickenmonkey is nibbling my foot


I have peed in your pants


The following is a list of things to hand out for halloween:

chunks of esbestos wrapped in candy wrappers

...coal, raw meat, and fire
 Always hand out plenty of fire

jars of syphillis, the gift that keeps on giving the whole year through

Bonifangth: I always wanted to put raw meat in their bags
I should get a bunch of roasts to hand out
And then pour soy sauce in there
and milk

Bonifangth: and then you have a whole meal instead of candy

 plastic candy that looks just like real candy

 I say motor oil should be at the top of the list

and you can also hand out fire
the good thing about fire is you only
need to hand out a little and then it spreads to a lot

I'll also hand out coal, and when the
kids complain I'll say "But coal is the wave of the future!"
Plus coal is healthy to eat

Hmmm... wet plaster might be a
good thing to hand out too

I'd also like to hand out big chunks of lead


my door is masturbating as we speak


My furry slug ate a bug, sat
on a rug and shrugged


every full moon my cat turns into a hairy beast
with sharp teeth and claws.


The only thing that disappoints me is
 that we never got any hate mail


Becker031: how do we cross breed a cow and a tomato?

Bonifangth: I'm still busy working on cross
between a cd and analogue tape
 only this way can we record on cds

Bonifangth: analogue tape is the wave of the
future with it's unlimited space and
unlimited loading time


Bonifangth: I want to work on a gaming
console that uses coal and analogue tape cartridges

Bonifangth: first you put the coal in ths
system and wait for it to heat up
Bonifangth: then use the lead paddle to insert the tape

Bonifangth: or maybe we can use reels to
put the tape on rather than cartridges, you
know, like those old movie players

Bonifangth: we store the games on tape
which the customer puts on a reel that
attaches to the system

Bonifangth: for cpu power we use a gerbil on a wheel


Bonifangth: I want to make sunblock that
magnifies the power of the sun

Bonifangth: Many times I worry about
whether I'm getting enough UV rays

Becker031: is it still sunblock then?

Bonifangth: it's more like sun-on

Becker031: sunintensifier

Bonifangth: For those who feel they're not
getting there share of harmful radiation

Becker031: I never get enough of it

Bonifangth: UV rays are healthy
Bonifangth: I'm not sure if I'm getting enough


Bonifangth: I should've changed my name to
Craioux, which is Bonifangith in French


Bonifangth: the gas was colorless causing
me to believe it was oxygen but I can't be sure

Bonifangth: it could have been perplexium
conundrifite in its gaseous form

Becker031: exactly as I was about to say

Bonifangth: although I think perplexium
conundrifite is more solid in it's gaseous state

Bonifangth: and a little wet

Becker031: it exists in all 6 phases in all
temperatures and pressures

Bonifangth: I think we should look into gas on a stick


Bonifangth: storm windows are made of
windows found in areas ravaged by storms


I'm from Stanistanistan


I usually catch beef with a net


Bonifangth: I used to hate it when I had to write a
report for school and it would spontaneously combust

Bonifangth: the paper would catch on fire right as
I was about to hand it in

Bonifangth: my head once caught on fire because
I was thinking too hard


Science takes on a new meaning when I use it

 my calculations woukdn't make sense otherwise


 I shall imprison you in a cardboard box

from which there will be no escape


 soon everything will run on coal
because it's the most efficient energy source there is
 and it leaves clouds of soot
 which is beneficial to your health

 at least that's what my scientific research shows
although it can cause gas and oily discharge

 maybe not in that order


Mars is full of monsters
 my scientific research proves this


Bonifangth: BTW I think I may have come up
with a source of limitless coal

 Everyone knows that Santa Claus (if
he exists, which my scientific research seems to
indicate) gives coal to bad kids every year. Well
there are a lot of bad kids and he's been doing this
for many years, his coal supply must be vast and endless!

we need to tap this somehow

~we must destroy this santa claus, and send our armies to the north pole!!!~

 there we will take his coal

 and shut down his whole operation


 once we have our supply of endless
coal there will be nothing we can't accomplish


 we will hand out bog and grobfrash to all the children

 I will personally fill their stockings with disappointment

 ~which all children will be wanting this year~

 I can hire a highly trained sniper to take him out


but it's easy to make a reindeer fly,
according to my research all you need is a pen, 3
cotton balls and a laser pointer


Bonifangth: keep in mind my research is in no
way based on science


 I had a dream last night that I went to the
new high school. Then after I left it turned into an old
rotting house and fell into the ocean


Bonifangth: To look at Becker is to stare straight into the mouth of madness

-this is still arguable though


Bonifangth: and I declare that the moon is bigger than the
sun because it looks bigger

Becker031: that's been known for some time already

Bonifangth: is that so?

 Well my scientific research finally proves it

Bonifangth: I looked at it and looked bigger
 that was my research

Becker031: yes

Bonifangth: therefore the earth is flat cause it looks that way




Becker031: what a coincidence, I return from
taking a shit and I find a message from
bonifangith awaiting
Bonifangth: ha ha ha
Bonifangth: These events are too closely linked
to be mere coincidence

-the standard way a conversation over instant messenger might start


When somebody says something you
can't quite make out retort, "What? Cut medicare?" or
perhaps, "No, the Pope isn't Jewish, he's Catholic."

Bonifangth: Becker, did you know a flying mouse
lives in my brain?

-no, I did not know this.  I still don't think I do.


It's written Turalyon
but it's pronounced Bonifangith

-clearing up a small misunderstanding in WarCraft II


Damn, I'm dissapointed. I was
hoping society would crumble
-response to the presence of January 1, 2000


Becker031: we don't need any more stupid planets in this solar system

Bonifangth: because they are nothing but a waste of space

Becker031: so we might as well destroy them

Bonifangth: valuable empty space

Becker031: yes

Becker031: too much space is being consumed by matter

Bonifangth: after that the sun, the biggest space-waster of all
in this solar system anyway
 did you know that the sun makes
up 99% of the matter in our solar system and the
other 1 percent is divided up amongst the rest?
That is outrageous and unacceptable!

-A conversation over instant messanger on the hierarchy of necessity
needless to say, progress was made that day.


Bonifangth: nik kop mig do pok
Bonifangth: I have no clue what I just typed

-upon the testing of our state-of-the-art equipment




Bonifangth: We should write "Click here for the
Australian Version of our page"
it would be the same page only upside down
because as everyone knows everything is
upside down in Australia

-an idea is born


damn netscape and it's illegal operations


Eat it, Becker. Eat it.

-I don't think I ate it


there's an animal lying next to me right now,
what should I do?
should I run screaming and pray for my soul?


they should not be allowed to breathe the
same air is normal people


Becker:[the mobile machine] is powered by Perplexium hydrate
which can only be mined from the core of the sun
Bonifangth: a refined form of perplexium conundrifite, I
Becker: though sometimes you find traces of it in your
underwear drawer
Becker: which I still can't explain
Bonifangth: well, we're far from understanding everything

-An important executive conference over instant messanger

some things remain a mystery, like why does the
sun disappear every day only to reappear several hours



Things coughed up by Becker:

Becker031: I think, in protest of cigarettes, we
should put them all in a big pile and make a bon
fire, in protest-- of course
Bonifangth: strictly in protest


Becker031: I ate a crot
Bonifangth: in a lot?
Becker031: no, from a pot
Bonifangth: that you bought?
Becker031: I bought it from bot


that word did not come
out of my mouth, but out of my asse


Becker031: what the fuck is the secret of mana?

Bonifangth: I don't know that's why it's a secret

Becker031: what the fuck is the secret?

Bonifangth:It's a secret

Becker031: then why buy it?

Bonifangth: Titles don;t mean anything that's why

Becker031: I think the secret is that
the disk cartridge is blank


Becker031: I now have three thousand testicles

Bonifangth: you must have really big pants


Becker031: i rule the planet from within my floating pile of garbage

Bonifangth: well from the Earth I rule your floating pile of garbage


Becker031: our page absorbs souls
Becker031: and intelligence
Bonifangth: and turns it all into stupidty

Fixing the invisible machine has proved
problematic. Though a quick method is just by
stepping on it.



if you were at all offended by this junk, don't sue me because I am not responsible.  Sue Bonifangith instead because he is responsible.

if you would like to comment on how stupid we are,
please email: