Hey guys what's up?
It's been a long time since I last updated this page. Well I'm a busy man you know..
But I think it's about time for me to start again. Maybe I can get something good out of this thing.
What do you guys think?

Ps. Why did I put so many puppets all over this page?
Friends and Links
or the shortest way to complete the first page..without any victims.
mail me at cdepas@hotmail.com
Boris is back! and his new website it's terrific, so you better check it out:)
Here's Jaime, another friend who gave me the inspiration for this webpage. Check out his page, if you're looking for some interesting Colombian stories. it includes also some photos of Claus!!
I don't know Paul, the guy who wrote this web site, but from what I've seen I can say that he made an excellent job. If you're interested in Berserk, and you're looking for some material 'bout this manga, you MUST stop by there.
Here's what you were looking for! Tons of pictures of me, my friends and my life.
If you're brave enough, just click on my face..
don't laugh too much, though!!
I got news!!! I got BIG news!!! I got that kind of news that you don't wanna miss!!!
the carneval zone
Finally I got these pictures from Boris and co.
It's strange stuff, so I'm not sure I would raccomend this section to anybody.
Oh well the decision is up to you..
27 July 2002:  Finally I'm back!
Bet you fellas missed me a lot in the mean time. BTW I'm going to rewrite the page. I'm planning a lot of new stuff for my new website!
Stay tuned..:)
new website!|