The week Momma stayed with the girls flew by. Each day was a new adventure, Momma had a mission, to make her girls' dreams come true. Momma was lucky because all three of the dreams were the same, to meet Hanson. Her Jessy, at thirteen was the youngest of the three girls, and madly in love with Zac. Her sixteen year old sister Chele, was head over heels in love with Taylor, and Kat, the eighteen year old and eldest of her girls, had set her sights on the romantic one, Isaac. Momma was good at drawing information out of people without them knowing it. She left no stone unturned, she scoured the old neighborhood, all the stores for Hanson sightings. At the market, she found that less than a week ago the two older boys had been in, getting drinks saying they had business in the old neighborhood. Momma even checked out the local churches and looked into the home schooling network hoping to meet up with Diana somehow. Jessy took the more direct approach, she checked out Laser Quest, every Rex's Boneless Chicken, went blading every day. She was hit on constantly, had been asked out by every thirteen, fourteen and a few sixteen year old Male Tulsa Residents, but none by the name of Zac Hanson. She and Momma had been with Kat six days already and the three headed to he airport to pick up Chele. Band Camp was finally over and like Jessy, she was coming to spend the rest of her summer vacation with Kat in Tulsa. Chele and Kat had never met before, they had Jessy and Momma in common but this was the first time Momma would have all three of her girls together. "I should have my head examined, I can't believe you've talked me into this. My babies alone, over a half a day away from me. I don't know if I can do this. Kat you have to be as crazy as I am, do you have any idea what you're getting yourself into?" Momma fretted. "Yes Momma I know. This one here screams at every white van and pouts if you don't chase after it, she zones out at the mention of the word Zac or any similar sounding word, and when she gets excited it's a hundred times worse. Yes I know Momma, but I still love her. She can't help it anymore than I can help loving Isaac. Momma I've tried. I can tell myself how insane it is to love someone I've never met in person, but I still do and all these great looking guys you keep trying to hook me up with don't stand a chance. Please stop bringing them home, I only end up hurting them because they don't want to be just friends and that's all I've got to offer, my heart belongs to Hanson." Kat explained as Chele's plane landed. "Ahhhh!" the girls screamed drawing the attention of the entire terminal. Little girls came out of the woodwork to see if Hanson had been sighted. The girls made their way home and stayed up all night talking so Kat was in no mood at 8am to deal with the neighbors and their petition. "Honest I don't want to be rude, but there is no way I would sign your petition. It is baseless, the neighor has done nothing wrong. They are in total compliance with local and state zoning codes. If you are so intent on stopping this, I would have expected to have seen you at the last Township meeting, or at the Townhip hall. I know you haven't because when I reasearched this misunderstanding, every official I spoke with was unaware there was a problem. You should use all this time and energy getting someone from the neighborhood elected to the board to insure representation." Kat explained and they retreated to their side of the battle lines. Momma in her wisdom, assured Kat, she would attract more flies with honey than with vinegar. "Momma I'm not a garbage can, why is everyone dumping on me?" Kat cried. "So when is the last time you spoke to him?" Momma asked. "Who?" Kat said. "Kathleen Masterson don't play coy with me, when is the last time you spoke to Isaac Hanson girl?" Momma asked. "Momma how did you know? I've never told a soul." Kat asked. "Kat I know you call me Momma because of Jessy, not because I am. I on the other take being called Momma seriously and seven months ago I was very worried about you, I was terrified I was losing you and would never get you back from your growing depressed state, so when you came out of it so suddenly, I had to know who to thank. I'm not proud but I snooped and spied until your phone bill gave me the answer I was looking for and I called him. Spoke to him again after you told me you were moving out here." Momma said and they hugged. "Momma it's not just a word, I mean it, I love you Momma." During Momma's last two days with the girls it was decided that being the newbies to the neighborhood, the girls would throw a block party. Momma helped arrange a pig roast. Kat went back to the Township Hall and filed necessary permits to shut the street down on both ends of the block in two weeks. Chele the computer whiz, designed the flyer and Kat had it to the printers that afternoon and that evening while Momma arranged to rent tables, chairs and awnings, the three girls bladed through the neighorhood inviting and explaining. The phone rang constanly for the next four days, people accepting the invitation. "I don't know why they don't accept." Kat said looking across the street then back at the girls. "I did this for them too." she finished. "Maybe they're afraid of the rest of the neighborhood, you know the party is a setup luring them in for the kill." Chele said. "It's their loss." Jessy said. "Well only days to go, what's the head count?" Kat asked. "One hundred ninety eight, not counting us." Chele answered. "Damn big block." Kat said shaking her head. "Tomorrow I suit up again, and revisit all our sponsors to make sure they know the number they are reaching, and smooze." Kat said. "I visit the churches to make sure they're set with their fund raisers and with the Boy and Girl Scout Leaders on the fund raiser events." Jessy added. "Lucky me, I call everyone to confirm It all." Chele ended. The girls went to the Mall to blow off steam and find Kat a smoozing outfit. The next morning at breakfast it was decided to meet at home at 3pm to compare notes and join forces, there were only three days left and Momma wouldn't be in for another day. Kat had been gone over four hours, Jessy a little over two when the doorbell rang, "Come on in and straight back, I'm on hold." Chele called out "Hey finally, yes the number is two hundred fifty yes, we know that's a big block. So funny. Yeah you're so funny. Thank you, you'll deliver and set up on Friday night, barricades go up by 5pm." Chele hung up and almost fainted as she turned around.
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