Look At You

Part Fifty-Three

Morning came and as the sun shone through the window, Jessy began to stir startling Zac awake. "Jessy. Thank God you're still here." he said without thinking. Jessy pretended to be asleep so he wouldn't see the pain she was feeling. She bit her bottom lip trying to keep back the cries of pain but overdid it as her mouth started filling with blood. Jessy put her hand to her mouth and made a mad dash to the bathroom spitting into the sink. "Jessy what's wrong?" Zac asked arriving in time to see the sink splattered with blood. "Umm must have bit myself." Jessy mumbled rinsing the sink then moving to turn on the shower. "Tell me the truth Jessy." Zac pleaded. Jessy shook her head no as she stepped into the shower and he followed her. "You have to tell me Jessy. Don't keep things from me. Please don't do this again." Zac begged reducing Jessy to tears. "You said you'd forget. Liar." choked out between the sobs. "What did I do Jessy?" Zac asked confused. "You said it, don't play dumb with me Zac Hanson." Jessy yelled. "I said something? Zac asked unaware of what he had said. Jessy could see his panic trying to remember what he had said to anger her so. "Jessy help me I don't know what I said." Zac pleaded. "Maybe the problem is mine. If you can't remember what you said, you couldn't have meant it the way I took it." Jessy said wrapping her arms around his neck and hugging him tight. "Jessy what did you think I meant?" Zac asked. "Zac can't we drop it." Jessy asked crying. "No babe it's hurting you still, tell me what you thought." Zac pleaded. "Do you remember what you said when you woke up?" Jessy asked. "I think I thanked God you were here or something like that." Zac said. "It was something like that, it was Thank God she's STILL here. I felt like you were afraid I would have taken off again and relieved I was there not happy but relieved. Then if that wasn't bad enough, when we tried to talk about it, you said Jessy don't do this again. Like you expect me to. Okay, happy now, we both feel like shit." Jessy said reaching for a towel. "Let's talk about it Jessy. It's not over you're still angry, why?" Zac asked. "You promised me you'd forget it and you don't seem to be able to, is all. No reason for me to be angry. You just give me you word and go back on it. What's my problem? Must be that time of the month, pick, pick, picking on you." Jessy said as Zac wrapped his arms around her. "Jessy I didn't mean either of those things like that. I just had a bad dream about Ken coming between us, that's probably why I said still. I was just afraid of you changing your mind and going home to them is all and the Jessy don't do this again, is me being afraid for you. I know how it hurt you, I just didn't want you to go there again babe. Believe me Jessy." Zac begged. "I do Zac, I told you that, this is your idea my going over it. I told you I just took it wrong." she said. "But why Jessy, don't you love me enough to believe me?" Zac asked. "I did, that's why I didn't harp on it." Jessy said. "Yeah at the expense of biting you bottom lip and spitting blood. No more Jessy. When it happens, when you feel bad, that's when you share from now on, promise me." Zac asked. "Zac Hanson I love you more than anything or anybody, maybe that's my problem, I try to protect you even at my expense." Jessy said. "Jessy I love you too but all I do is hurt you." Zac cried. "Baby you didn't hurt me, I hurt me. Zac I know you wouldn't do anything to me. Don't cry baby, I didn't mean to hurt you like this." Jessy said cradling him in her arms, "Sssh baby I didn't mean to make to cry Zac." she comforted him as he nuzzled her breast. "Zac don't, please." Jessy said. "I love you and need you. Let me make love to you Jessy." Zac asked as he nuzzled her neck. "Not until my wedding night boy." Jessy declared as Zac burst into laughter. They toweled off and Jessy slipped on her shirt and made her way to the dryer. slipping on her panties and jeans before heading back upstairs with the rest of their clothes. "Here you go hun." Jessy said handing Zac a pair of boxers, as she slipped her arms in her shirt and slipped on her bra before slipping her arms back out. "Here are your jeans Zac, be careful I loaded your pockets back up." Jessy said as she shook out his shirt, then hers. She unbuttoned her shirt slipped it off and slid on her clean shirt, then her shoes as Zac finished dressing and the made their way downstairs. "Grampa" Jessy squealed rushing to his arms and hugging him. The three made breakfast and sat and discussed what Jessy needed or wanted. "Lil one you're welcome here as long as you need." Grampa offered. The three spent the rest of the morning making plans, awaiting the arrival of Chele and Tay.

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