YAMAHA AN-1x Yamaha´s enter to the virtual analogue synthesizer world for very reasonable price.

Polyphony 10 voices

Tone generator Analog Physical Modeling VCO1 (Sync, FM), VCO2, VCF (Ring Modulator, Noise, FEG), VCA (AEG)

VCF LPF with resonance, HPF, Envelope level, Envelope type, LFO modulation, keyboard tracking, aftertouch sensitivity

VCA Level, VCA type, Aftertouch sensitivity, 4 segemnt envelope generator (used for VCF and VCA)

Outputs Output (R,L/Mono], Phones

MIDI terminals IN/OUT/THRU


Downloads - Official Yamaha page with links to editors, sounds, manual in pdf, etc.
Phat & Blue - Patches, info, etc.
Synthzone - Links to software, patches, company pages, etc.