archery ------- Here is another game written for the TI-83. Basically, you choose a speed, and move your arrow left and right to aim at the moving target. Press the 2nd key to fire at the target. The closer to the center of the target, and the faster the speed, the more points you will get. Press mode to pause, and enter to unpause after you have already been paused. This program is grouped, so make sure you ungroup it after you download it. Run ARCHERY, which is the main program. The other programs are just sub programs. Enjoy. Here's the code for ARCHERY.83p: prgmARCHERYS ClrHome ClrDraw Menu("TARGET SPEED","SLOW",1,"NORMAL",2,"FAST",3 Lbl 1:1?S:Goto 5:End Lbl 2:2?S:Goto 5:End Lbl 3:3?S:Goto 5:End Lbl 5 26?D 0?P Lbl 10 Line(?10,?7.7,10,?7.7 Line(?1,?10,?1,?7.7 randInt(10,82?T 15?X 0?I 50?A 45?B For(Z,60,0,?1) getKey?? Text(56,1,"SCORE: ",P If D<1 Goto 15 Text(56,50,"TIME: ",X," " prgmARCHERYT prgmARCHERYA If Z/4=int(Z/4 X-1?X If ?=22 Pause If ?=26 and B<85 B+2?B If ?=24 and B>6 B-2?B If ?=21 prgmARCHERYF If I=1 Goto 10 End D-5?D 15?X ClrDraw Goto 10 End Lbl 15 Line(7,9,7,?5.1 Line(9,9,9,?5.1 Line(7,9,9,9 Line(7,?5.1,9,?5.1 If P?7 "TRY AGAIN"?Str2 If P>7 and P?13:Then "OK"?Str2 8?C End If P>13 and P?19:Then "NOT BAD"?Str2 6?C End If P>19 and P?22:Then "GOOD"?Str2 ?3?C End If P>22 and P?30:Then "GREAT"?Str2 0?C End If P>30:Then "AWESOME"?Str2 1.5?C End If P?7:Then Line(0,0,0,2 Line(0,0,?1.5,.5 Line(2.5,?7.5,0,0:Goto 6 Else Line(7,C,1,C) Line(1,C,0,C-.75 Line(1,C,0,C+.75 Lbl 6 Text(56,50,Str2 Pause prgmAXIS prgmARCHERYA.83p: Pxl-Off(A-1,B-2 Pxl-Off(A,B-2 Pxl-Off(A+1,B-2 Pxl-Off(A+2,B-2 Pxl-Off(A-1,B+2 Pxl-Off(A,B+2 Pxl-Off(A+1,B+2 Pxl-Off(A+2,B+2 Pxl-On(A-1,B Pxl-On(A,B Pxl-On(A+1,B Pxl-On(A+2,B Return prgmARCHERYF.83p: For(Q,A-2,3,?3) Text(56,50,"FIRING " prgmARCHERYT Pxl-Off(Q+3,B Pxl-Off(Q+4,B Pxl-Off(Q+5,B If pxl-Test(Q-2,B)=1 or pxl-Test(Q,B)=1 or pxl-Test(Q-1,B)=1 Goto X Pxl-On(Q-1,B Pxl-On(Q,B Pxl-On(Q+1,B Pxl-On(Q+2,B End Text(56,50,"MISS " For(Z,1,25) End 1?I D-5?D ?S?S ClrDraw Return Lbl X Text(56,50,"HIT! " Pxl-On(Q-1,B Pxl-On(Q,B Pxl-On(Q+1,B Pxl-On(Q+2,B If B=T+3 or B=T-3 P+abs(1S)?P If B=T+2 or B=T-2 P+abs(2S)?P If B=T+1 or B=T-1 P+abs(3S)?P If B=T:Then P+abs(5S)?P Text(56,50,"BULL^S EYE!!! " Pause End For(Z,1,45 End 1?I ClrDraw D-5?D ?S?S Return prgmARCHERYS.83p: FnOff ClrDraw AxesOff ZStandard Text(7,48,"ARCHERY" DrawF ?(?40X) Text(15,59,"BY: DrawF ??(?40X) 30?D 4?E ?2.5?A 9.6?B For(C,?3,?8,?1) Text(28,D,") Line(A,B,C,0) Line(A,?B,C,0) D-E?D For(G,1,20 End End Line(A,B,A,?B) Line(C,0,10,0) Text(15,59,"BY: J?FF F." Text(40,50,"2nd F?res" Text(48,50,"MODE Pause s" Pause Return prgmARCHERYT.83p: T+S?T If T<9 or T>85 ?S?S If S>0:Then Pxl-Off(D,T-4 Pxl-Off(D,T-5 Pxl-Off(D,T-6 End If S<0:Then Pxl-Off(D,T+4 Pxl-Off(D,T+5 Pxl-Off(D,T+6 End Pxl-On(D,T-3 Pxl-On(D,T-2 Pxl-On(D,T-1 Pxl-On(D,T Pxl-On(D,T+1 Pxl-On(D,T+2 Pxl-On(D,T+3 Return
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